
I’m gonna need to hear her mixtape before I have an opinion on this.

Yes. They are illegal. I understand that.

These owners really need to stick to sports.

And if it HAS to be a specific song, couldn’t it be “Just A Gigolo?”

All true, but he could stay the fuck in Jersey like he was and just keep his mouth shut. Inaction is probably what he does best......and that’s a low bar.

Top. People.

Smart people… Someone should look into that…

The hunt for Lincoln’s gold and Cummings’s stolen federal funds.

Trump says the house was robbed, Cummings says they were scared away almost immediately. Many people are saying Trump has inside information about this intrusion and that he personally hired the person. I’m not saying that I’m just saying what many, many people are saying.

Never thought I’d see a pro-gun take on Deadspin.

Are Howie Mandel and Fred Savage are not involved with this reboot?

Unless more information comes available, I’ll file this under: “Akward scientist guy being akward”.

I don’t know. Physically iffy, long string of criminal and character issues, sounds like he has Bengal written all over him. 

+1 crap on deck that could choke a donkey. 

He’s got to be on everyone’s short list for VP though.

I definitely appreciates he’s bringing this up so comprehensively. Here’s hoping it causes others too as well. Natives always seem to be forgotten/ignored/ or actively shit on.

Where is she now?

“I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die.

Here is picture of the actual process and people involved in deciding if documents are fake:

You. You “white” person. Yes, you. You can’t prove your right to be in the United States. They can do the same to you. And they will. You.