
I don’t think you know what “side scroller” means.

“Oh calm down, it's just ketchup.

Seeing lots of “I’m a Yankees fan, but...” and “I hate the Red Sox, but...” on the internet tonight. Cool, man, you don’t want the human beings who arbitrarily wind up playing for teams in a different geographic location than you to literally die. Awesome, that’s very noble.

Seriously?  Why the fuck would someone rob Big Papi?  If you asked nice he’d probably buy you a meal, a few rounds of drinks...hell, maybe even pay off your damn house.

Holy fuck. +1

He retired because his legs were shot and now, well...

Ortiz was shot “in an amusement center” ... Ortiz was shot in the leg

like a reverse

KD is going to play 6 minutes in game 5, be a -50 and then explode both Achilles. He'll then sign a super max contact with the Knicks. 

minority owner.... of James’ Dolan’s back catalog.

I, too, love to stand like a normal person and have normal facial expressions for pictures.

Two of the Oklahoma reps are republican native americans. I think similar to other minority republicans, the policies are a typically the same with less open bigotry. 

li’l sebastian!!!

What is it about porn that is reasonably different and obviously curatable/censorable than actual doctored video meant as propaganda? This isn’t about truth, or discerning if the content is true or not. It’s about whether or not actual footage of a public figure has been doctored in a way to misrepresent reality. And

Call me crazy, but I agree with FB on this one. They’ve vetted the video and given a warning to folks who watch it. That’s the best a platform can do without becoming a censor and curator of material.

Did you really think that the comments section was the place to start this rebellion?

Damn, never knew Dennis Rodman was so......Coooooooold Blooooooooded!

“I don’t know, Dennis. What did the five fingers say to the face?”

I have to admit that I almost feel bad for attacker, I mean aside from the potential mental health issues there. This is your moment of fame where you dropkicked a 70-year old man from the back and he barely felt your attack.

Don’t sweat it, man, the housekeeper has been rejecting my advances too.