
Minority? But she’s living in a material world. And she’s a material girl.

Expect ‘THE CURSE OF THE WASHED AWAY CHALK’ to be a thing if the Cubs lose in the NLDS next year

“Granted he probably tried to frame a reporter for possession of coke once”

Although I’d be willing to throw in ten bucks if they go back to being the Bullets.

C’mon man, that’s not fair. Sox fans can’t write.

On the bright side, they missed out on this election too

“He’s just gonna walk the Earth, like Kane on Kung Fu. With his head on fire.”

It’s all a beauty pageant, and Washington is a little Husky.

I understand the hesitance. Until Dak gives a back-breaking effort, it’s absolutely premature to compare him to Romo.

I think they did read their history books since it says “part 2"

I know what you’re thinking, but he’s probably resistant to smallpox.

This deserves a Nobel prize in something!! BRILLIANT!!!!!

That man looks cold.. We should get him a blanket

On the other hand, Microsoft Office 2016 is still basically Office 1995 with a new skin

I once found a chick tract in a box of car wax about the sin of vanity. It showed a man who was very proud of his nice, shiny car dying and going to hell.

I too worked as a custodian at a prestigeous northeastern university, only to get fired for using the chalkboard in the hallway of the lecture hall.

Hey Russell, here’s an idea to avoid ties. Throw for a fucking touchdown.

As a Jets fan, the only comfort I have is that I’m not a Browns fan.

I couldn’t log onto twitter to post a Deadspin article.

For such a huge, scary attack, it’s pretty incredible how easy it was to go on about my day (on the internet) normally and really not even notice.