
Boy, this is very close to what our mayor did a couple of weeks ago, where she posted a message on a city citizen group (which she and her kids are admins on and don’t do a damn thing about racist people on there) that she “meant” for her personal profile. https://www.kxii.com/2020/06/26/durant-mayor-under-fire-for-com

This seems like it cheapens the whole discussion of race relations in the world. “What have you done to eliminate systematic and real racism?”

Aren’t they supposed to be sticking to sports?

There’s a special place in hell for these two.

God, I know. And the appeal process on FB is a joke. It has to be automated, because they came back within two seconds that my appeal was denied and there was no further actions I could take.

Funny, I just got a 7 day ban for saying 'Oh, you crazy white folks.' in a comment on a post about the protests where the rest of the comments were from white people complaining about African Americans protesting. 

Oh “Network Neighborhood”, how I’ve missed thee.

That blows.  Sorry about that.

Sadly we don’t know of anyone with a second home. Usual summer plans are that we goto South Texas and stay in a condo every July. We may end up doing that still (hopefully).

Our child is on the spectrum and exactly like this article stated, everything was good the first few weeks. However, this being April in Oklahoma, we have had a few days a week with rain, which means I couldn’t setup my office outside while he jumped on his trampoline or played with the little girl next door.

Same here.  This post is a den of lies!

One thing that we are doing to help our child is to just make time for him as best we can and not put too much emphasis on what school work does or doesn’t get done. We let him play his learning apps on the iPad and the computers and then spend most of the afternoon outside on the trampoline getting some sensory

This sounds just like the leadership where I work. I work in IT, and our senior leadership made the decision on Monday to allow the majority of us to work from home, with exceptions for those areas like our service desk who need to be present in the building for in person support (this of course done with a small

Don’t worry, Stitt will either find a way to fuck this up or blame it on Tribal Casinos not paying more in fees to the state...

You need to get this script to Hollywood now!

You are my hero.  Thank you for this.

Not enough Ewoks

Revive the Xwing/Tie Fighter series! What they had in Battlefront 2 is great, but just sucks that we don’t get anymore updates to it like the ground battle modes.

Well, Anakin was the only human who could fly a podracer, which you could attribute to the Force but he had no training at all. 

Yet, Luke had no real training, outside of dueling with a remote on the Falcon with Obi-Wan, yet can use the force to pull his lightsaber to him in the Wampa cave in ESB. Think this is on the same level as Leia, who it looks like had more training under Luke than he did under Kenobi, when she used the Force to pull