
I don’t know if anyone has pointed this out yet, but the Chickasaw Nation is not a “reservation”. Simple mistake, but none of the Five Civilized Tribes were actually put on reservations, just moved here to Oklahoma.

ass to ass!

Replace Florida with Oklahoma. Almost the same punishiment here

As a Native American, I approve this. +1

This right here is why I miss the triangle numbering system that the Superman books use to have. It was so much nicer when each book flowed into the next.

Base wars for NES. Baseball played by robots that could fight each other. Classic

What has helped me in the past is pickup either right at the very beginning of a major story event for a character or right after. This may not be a prevelent today as it was 20 years ago, what with every event being a major event nowadays, but I think it can hold true. Hear me out on this:


This is by far the dumbest thing to make a big deal about.

That movie freaked me the fuck out as a kid. Wasn't there live action parts to the movie?

1/8 Choctaw, and I rather not have myself or my kids be referred to as a "redskin", a name used by White America to denote how many Native people were killed by white settlers and land thieves.

As a 1/8th Choctaw, I approve this joke. I also approve your username and avatar. Now go forth and fight the mutants

So, we have a bad habit here in IT to use AT&T Connect to do conference calls/desktop sharing for meetings involving...everyone in the building. Alot of it had to do with having only one conference room at the time and using it to hotel consultants who were in working on a project (another really bad habit we have).

Yeah, I was kind of wondering why OneNote wasn't even mentioned. Isn't it free now?

So, I ended up reading the book after seeing the miniseries back in 94, and I always saw it being better served up as a trilogy of films instead of just one move. The book is cut up into three sections already, each with their own story progression.

Perry is still a dick, which I hope is still sore from Garbutt's stick.

It's crazy to see all of those dynasties from back in the day, when there wasn't as many teams in the NHL.

That was great.

He hit him in the numbers, where else is he suppose to hit him at? I've seen others get hit harder than that.

Oh, we are excited! Heck, look at the difference a year makes since he has been hired. I know we were in this same spot the last couple of years (fighting for a playoff spot going into the last few games), but it just seems like there is a different mentality to this Stars team that hasn't been here since Tippet was