
It's a goal. Totally. Go Stars!

What about BSBs?

Geeze, just another reason for Crossfit people to talk about Crossfit

Can't stop laughing! +1

Daniels has fucked over quite a few players who made up the teams that went to back-to-back series. Young was moved around so much (granted, some of that was before Daniels, I think) that he couldn't be consistent at any position and Kinsler saw that it might happen to him. Yes, Profar is good, but is he that good

One thing I have done that has helped me out alot was when I paid off a bill that I would then turn around and take the same payment I was making to said bill and put it into my savings account. I had already gotten myself accustomed to not having that extra money anyway, so that helped me save more. Kind of the

Just to add to this, Russell Means and the AIM was/is against using the term 'Native American' for the simple fact that the original treaties used the term 'Indian', and thus was a fear that if native peoples started referring to themselves as 'Native Americans' then the federal government could void the treaties

Leafs fan?

Those commercials with him as the AoF were great!

I don't know if Hull's time in the Dallas Front-office would be called a "disaster". Les Jackson and himself did pull off the Brad Richards trade which finally helped get the Stars past the first round for the first time in 5 years (6, but there was that strike season in there). Their only bad move was the whole

I really wish bandwagon fans would be called out in more arenas. Nothing worst then trying to goto a Texas Rangers game when they are playing the Yankees or the Red Sox. Or going to a Stars game and having to deal with Red Wing "fans", even when they aren't even playing Detroit. And 9 times out of 10, these people


Never understood why there is so much hatred for the EU? For some of us, that was the only connection we had to Star Wars before the prequels. Thrawn, Mara Jade, the Vong, the new Jedi Order, the Solo children, Rogue Squadron, Corran Horn, and all of those other good characters out there. Hate to see 20 years of my