
Don't blindly trust jalops for anything. Some of their contentions aren't entirely correct and some are flat wrong. In fact, just don't go to jalopnik's comments ever.

We only JUST got the RS5, we don't have RS4 or any more A/S/RS4 avants. We didn't and still don't get the RS6, and haven't had an A6 Avant in a very very long time. We don't get the A1 and have never gotten an RS3, and I don't think we got the S3 either...(MAYBE the first gen).

Yeah, for us car nerds that's totally true. We also recognize that angel eyes came before the R8's eyeliner. However for your average joe, Audi is the innovator.

Yeah I'd rather they do a rear biased turbo straight 5, 350-ish horsepower, optional 6-speed, under $50k.

Just like LED DRL's. BMW did it first. Audi will be the one who receives all the credit and will be thought of as being "futuristic" and "modern" because of it.

Ah okay, that's much better worded and I wouldn't have even thought about all the deductions she's going to be ineligible for due to about $180k in extra income.

That's not how tax brackets work. If you get "bumped" into a higher tax bracket only the money earned at that tax bracket is taxed at that rate. Say you make 87k normally which is in the top of the bracket for 25%, then win 100k. The 87k is taxed the same as every other year, the 100k will be put in the higher 28%

What are you talking about? The taxes on the 10k can be withheld/deducted. (What I said in the first sentence!)

Right, but she doesn't have to pay that tax to get the cash, it can be deducted. The remainder can help pay tax on the car, I'm sure she's still going to wind up paying out of pocket, but I doubt it's going debilitating. If anything is going to make her go bankrupt it's going to be the maintenance and repair bills on

Everyone complaining about taxes.... she also wins $10k along with the car, which is about 6% of the cars value, which should cover most of the tax.

In fairness, I'd say that bringing up the nazi's when some one is saying "if it's against the law, it's justified" is a pretty acceptable case. Calling some one a nazi or hitler because you disagree with their view is much more what godwin is referring to. Not comparing some one minimizing a governments actions

But they're just now starting to cry when there have been great sportscars being built for 10 or so years with electric power steering.... Like I said, the RX8 came out in 2004 with electric steering, no one batted an eye. Wasn't even mentioned. People even praised it for being communicative and predictable. However

They already do.... The US absolutely has tried to make amends to the native americans. We tried to make amends to people who had to put up with the Japanese internment:

Or if you're jewish during world war 2 don't live in Germany because they'll throw you in the gas chambers.... but those were the laws so it's justified for the time? No one should say sorry for the atrocities?

I mean I get that hydraulic power steering feels more connected to the road and all.... however there were plenty of very good cars that were praised for their communicative-ness years ago that have electric power steering. Example, the RX8, S2000, Mini cooper.... why is everyone freaking out in the past year or two?

Are you always this big of a douche? Wow!

Stuff like this makes me so sad and frustrated, thank you for saying something!

The ironic part of that second point is that there are a large number of trans women who are actually lesbian.... At least more than is norm for cisgendered women anecdotally speaking. I understand how people could be in the first camp(even if it's kind of selfish), the second however just seems completely silly.

This study also isn't accounting for who actually is driving the car. Just because a man bought it doesn't mean he bought it for himself? In the case of $250k exotics it's rare that both people in the relationship are making the money to pay for the car, and those sort of positions tend to be dominated by men.

Fair point! I know there are some out there, but yeah the majority of people could care less wether or not the car has a "sharper throttle response".