
I think that's a reasonable expectation as long as it's in the contract that it is a design requirement. It's called requirements, I'm sure the building had plenty in the original design contracts.....

This is easy. Was being resistant to fire based collapse in the original design contract?

My exact thoughts. Still moot since... why push your million dollar hyper car to the limit when you can push your sponsored race car to the limit on race weekend.... Have fun in it, sure, but try to get a sub 7 minute nuremberg time? Probably not.

I don't care if the 911 and M3 wipe the floor with the Mustang. From a marketing point of view, setting your targets way up market is a great exercise. It's an extremely smart move and even if people say "it didn't win, but if you look at the price...." then it's accomplished what they want.

"Have we completed a sub 7 minute lap? Yes, of course" -> 6:59.


If not for a law, then how come you haven't shot anyone?

Ahahaha, this comment is fantastic.

God I forgot how many people out there have hundreds of dollars to spend on (illegal) EMP cannons to break amazon drones! You're a fucking genius!

Pretty fucking often actually. When was the last time you shot some one?

Literally couldn't have said it better myself. Why the hell everyone thinks this a problem just blows my mind.

Right! :)

I sat in one of these recently... the interior looks great in pictures.... in person it's MILES better than the C6, however it still feels like behind the leather and in the doors there's cheap flexible GM plastics. I mean, it's still great value for money and finally looks decent, I just was expecting it to feel a

Sure, I'm not claiming these things won't get damaged, I'm just not sure why it matters at ALL.

Lets be clear, this drone thing doesn't exist. So for conjecture I can just make up whatever assuming it wouldn't be difficult for them to do.

California also is apparently full of people who swear like a sailor but are very fucking nice about it. Quite odd.

There are studies out there on trans men and women showing that their brains are usually more similar to their chosen gender than their prescribed sex. However most of those studies are people who have begun hormone treatment, or have been living their life as their chosen gender for a while.

Actually my problem with this line is even simpler:

GPS and the fact that (because the system is automated) amazon will know pretty quickly when one doesn't return or is having technical difficulties.

Why is this the thing everyone(literally every post I've seen has a comment like this) is going on about?