
Which is ironic because I think most people watch it for all the comedy/stunts they do. Most of the non-gear heads I know at least are completely not interested in the car review bits.

That video is basically "I'm 16 dealing with 16 y/o issues like some ones dad thinking I won't always love their daughter"... most peoples issues with him is he acts immature and comes off as a douche. I'm not sure how that video helps. Also the reason he gets made of fun of is this:

My guess is they also know the difference from drive a car at 8/10ths or 9/10ths and 10/10ths.

What it comes down to is, no matter the car, you shouldn't be testing the limits on public streets. If you do, you do it in an area with no people and nothing to hit, no passengers, and an understanding and being okay with what could happen if you fuck up.

Which I think is the OP's point. They should have been aware of all your points, and NOT have driven the car at even 7 tenths on public streets.

The newer ones are a little large..... pre 2006 or so however, they are fantastic.

I'm slightly partial to the mid 80's model and it's rubber bumpers:

Oh okay, so you're not really driving 20 minutes just for gas, you're in the general area to begin with? Because I've actually known some one who would drive 30 minutes ro so for the express purpose of getting gas..... which made no sense to me whatsoever.

How can that possibly save you money? Assuming you're going 60mph, 20 minutes is 20-ish miles? I assume you're saying 20 minutes one way, so 40 miles round trip?

Fair point, I just googled 'sebring wood trim interior' and it was one of the first pictures. That said... the factory stuff wasn't much better:

How about a body made of copper?

Mercedes will give you granite apparently:

In my opinion I think that dull wood is much more 'luxurious' looking. Primarily because of cheaply made cars like early 2000's Chryslers trying to use obviously laminate overly lacquered "wood" trim pieces that felt fake and plasticy. So now almost any time I see shiny wood in a car it reminds me of bad laminate or

Yeah I was being facetious. I'm sick of people bitching about "how big the mini is" and that it's not a real mini. Seriously people need to get over it.


No problem! Also they're off-road-ish. Enough that a bit of lift is going to be nice when there are potholes and large rocks.

No problem! Also they're off-road-ish. Enough that a bit of lift is going to be nice when there are pot holes and large rocks.

Much smaller than a macan.

If you have to ask....