
But then it would be better than the FRS.... more like 2500 lbs and 180 hp probably. :(

Or like..... a MR2!

Except I can't imagine Mazda turboing a rotary again...

Pssh, not a road car! If we're going there we're going to have to let the sport bike folks in:

As an 8 owner I can confirm this and state they actually will go up to 9,500 with no complaints.


Which Mustang render is everyone talking about? I guess they took it down since it's not out and whatnot....

Does anyone know any 3-pedal wheels that are good and would work with my 360, PS3, and PC? Since next gen consoles are out, i doubt any existing stuff on the market is claiming support yet, but that'd be on the wishlist as well otherwise.

I've used enough madcatz controllers (with obnoxious turbo buttons) in my life to confirm this.

Or they're like me and they WILL buy the manual.... but probably only used because new cars are highway robbery.

And regionally. Because that's not quite as true in southern california where it's sunny year round as it is in upstate new york.

If it's at the same price as the old Golf R, and you can get it with a stick in the US, I could see it being my next car.

It's one of those things people can get very heated about, but like you said it comes down to semantics.

In my office? The receptionist/office manager does both. If they need help with dishes, whoever is in the break room usually gets asked to help.

I think you could be on either side of the fence and you're opening up a can of worms expressing your opinion.... but I wouldn't use mandatory paid maternity leave as a measure of women's rights in the workplace.

Yeah.... I might be wrong. I'm not a huge feminist. However I was under the impression most feminists were all for male birth control and kinda pissed it has to be the woman's responsibility to take drugs etc.

No I meant SL.

I'm sorry, California has some very good coffee. Although the stuff at cars and coffee probably isn't great... if you were in Irvine you should've stopped at Portola Coffee Lab which isn't too far from Irvine and makes one of the best Latte's I've ever had.

Ick. It looks like an SL, it should go like an SL.

So basically... all of the aftermarket goodies that don't hurt your warranty or powertrain reliability which can be done cheaply will be included? While the one thing which you can't do without ruining your warranty (more power) is being ignored by the factory.