
Are there other examples of companies doing this?

And now I'm sad. :(

According to wikipedia and car and drive the numbers are something like... under 2900lbs. 850bhp quad turbo V12. 0-60 in 2.9 seconds. Top speed around 240-250 mph. Sub 11 second quarter mile, and 1.15g on the skidpad.

FRS: 2600-2800lbs

I think Audis styling is elegant and modern. They're also very proper, and I think already sort of stale.

This +1. Just saw a bicylist almost get NAILED a couple weeks ago blowing through a red light. Car stopped literally 3-4 inches before the bicyclists legs, was one of the scariest things I've ever seen.

Exactly! lol.

yeah, the angle the roofline makes is too extreme.

I think the LaFerrari is just wacky.... this thing is lamborghinis idea of fins, stealth shapes, etc, to the max. If anything this is a lot more 'classic' than the LaFerarri's weird bill and the hole in the hood.

I think this looks a lot better than the LaFerrari.

I googled "white enzo" to make a point that seeing it in non-red colors helps...

"I needed three years to understand the Enzo's shape, which now I love."

Wow! Thanks for getting back on that. I got a couple other replies from people whose cars complain if the key isn't in range, so it seems some manufacturers are doing it. I'd assume VW will eventually stick that in there.

+1, all the cars on this list are cool cars if you're reaching the middle of your life and have a little extra cash to toss around.

I took this tour 2 weeks ago, it was fantastic. Like Torch and many others have said, if you live near LA, or are ever in LA, seriously check it out.

Yeah, Kiwi pointed this out. I'd like to own one as well... in america though unfortunately they're better of selling the mini cooper big.

For point. I mean the average pay for the 1%ers is supposed to be like 350k or something though, but I guess that's enough to afford a Koenigsegg with a little shuffling of cash.

Fair enough. Being from america I was just thinking america.... where no one will buy one. However totally, in Europe, could be a hit. I mean if REVA can get people to buy the gee whiz, BMW could totally sell a mini mini.