
Fair points. I would still argue American and German car companies are more owned/ran by Americans/Germans, where most British companies wound up just about going under and selling off to another company or private party, who is the "sole owner". At the end of the day, Ford reports to their stock holders, Jaguar

Ah, by smoked out, are you talking exhaust? I was assuming one trying to race you, which would just be silly.

Exactly. I'd bet that car only ever is on Tarmac, it was his own choice to put on knobby tires. That's why this video is great, it shows how useless bro-trucks are (at something they figure they'd be good at).

Also for anyone who disagree's check #3: http://jalopnik.com/5846438/the-ten-cars-with-the-worst-drivers/gallery/1

This. Seriously this. The three times I've been amazed by how aggressive/how much road rage a person can have, it was all by guys in bro trucks. Swerving in front of my car, brake checking, swerving through tiny gaps in traffic making other drivers swerve/brake not to get hit. The worst.

A car pulling out in front of you on the highway and barely speeding up is not anything close to as bad as the truck who is swerving through traffic gaps that I wouldn't attempt in a Elise. The people who drive those lifted trucks are, in general, the most terrible pieces of shit.

A R1 can hit 60 in 3 seconds. No bro truck can do that. What are you talking about?

Produced as in manufactured? I think the main point of the article is there are no longer any British car companies, except McLaren and some really small people "building cars out of sheds" like noble.

You know what says a lot about how great this car is? I looked it up on autotrader the other day, there were 3 for sale. Market at $68k, $65k, and $60k. Keep in mind these are cars with a couple thousand miles whose base price was $47k.

Oh yeah, also.... 9500 RPM and a 240 bhp 1.3L engine. Everyone who talks about how impressive X car is for it's NA HP/L ratio forgets about the RX8.

It's basically an FRS with real back seats, more power... and unfortunately terrible fuel economy and (engine) reliability.

Everything you described the civic as was my experience when I drove a 2011 Camry. Idk about the 2012, but the 2011 was a bunch ball of meh with terrible trim.

I think his main complaint was that it's a fine truck if you want a truck as commuter vehicle. However:

If you ever get a chance I'd try them out. They've proved to be one of my favorite airlines. Comfortable seats (especially with their even more space options) and entertainment systems in every headrest. Plus pretty reasonably priced, especially if you catch a special. I fly between SF and LA with them pretty

This. 100% this.

Except for the most recent STI's throwing rods....

Could be? I'm not sure I haven't done the research, but I was fairly sure the air cooled 911's were downright bulletproof. (Albeit if something does go wrong replacement parts aren't cheap).

Luckily I live in southern California, so rust isn't AS much of a concern... but still I don't think I could manage all the upkeep either way to use as a DD, and I don't have the funds for two cars..... maybe one day!

Wow, thanks for all the info! Have you done much looking at wether the 997's have proven to be reliable or they have similar issues?

Yeah no, they do it all the time. However they usually try to tie it in with feminism or something, this was just an article 100% hating on a random group of people. Incredible.