
What about Jetblue?

From what I understand even the water cooled 996+ cars tend to be pretty solid/reliable (assuming you pay the incredibly expensive maintenance).

I had a bunch of friends who got into the whole PLUR thing and kinda threw their lives away and just got smashed a bunch. I thought it was dumb and immature, but I wouldn't go writing a blog article hating on such a large group of people while making wide sweeping generalizations.

No porsche 911?

I watched a video on their site, idk about the location where I'm doing it, but I saw a 599 GTO.... If that's available, easy choice. :)

Yeah, that engine just sounds mean as hell. I'm leaning towards the Gallardo or 430 though, cause, how many times in (a 'average' persons life do you get to drive a Italian exotic!)

I'm not entirely sure, I think I still need to book the date/insurance for it. From the picture it looks like a first gen standard Gallardo.

My SO bought me a "Ultimate Driving Experience". I get 3 laps around a track in my choice of car, among the choices are a Gallardo, F430, SLS, California. :D

I own an RX8, I love it to pieces, and haven't had any issues with it as of yet. (Just over 30k miles).

Thank you, please lets just stick to cars.

Yeah, for sure true.

The sound of a shotgun being cocked is a hell of a lot more intimidating than a dog barking frankly.

Yeah, a dog can be a decent security system, unless the person breaking into your house brought anything blunt or your dog is scarred of people, or the guy robbing you can get a door between them and the dog. Maybe it will scare them off, maybe your dog will wind up dead.

What if you live in a rural area where your closest neighbor is miles away, and the police even further?

As some one who loves watching that show, there are some preppers who focus extensively on befriending their neighbors and being self sufficient using the land. Although, they aren't the majority.

I think she is talking statistically, not that she feels her boyfriend IS going to shoot her.

The second amendment was given to us by our founding fathers as a way to protect ourselves. Given at the time the things you were defending against were bears, you being your own police force, and corrupt governments. However I still think that having the right to protect yourself against those three things is still

+1, I was completely onboard with you pointing out a very BIG difference between an assault weapon and a semi-automatic riffle. I think it's also worth pointing out that the weapons used in the Sandy Hook shooting were completely legal non-assault riffles.

WOAH WOAH WOAH, we don't use things like numbers or statistics here on gawker! We use anecdotes, stories, and opinions to uncovered how society works. Get your numbers and studies out of here!

"Or, no. The point I personally take from this is that this battle is difficult. It's difficult to convince even well-meaning people to let go of their privilege and share some of the pie. It's difficult to defeat deep, subconscious, systemic behavioral patterns—like the fact that women tend to become more quiet and