
3. white reflects the sun so the paint generally stays in better shape longer and keeps the car cooler when it sits out in the sun!

+1, especially with a nice pearl effect like that to bring out the character lines in the body work. It looks great, apple has nothing to do with it.

I love apple..... but no. That's a HUGE stretch to say apple is the reason white cars are valuable.

+1 for one earbud.

LOL! As an apple fangirl, +1. This is fantastic.


You are so wrong.

I hope they sue. Using materials like aluminum and glass to make a quality laptop is okay.... but this is too far. Seriously HP you're not a Chinese KiRF company.... this is way worse than any copying samsung did.

+1, i saw the picture and thought... macbook. Read the headline.... uh no that's not an HP that's a macbook.

That's what the 911S is for. Surely it'll have PASM, on comfort they're pretty comfy.

Also it doesn't help knowing there have been whispers about the next generation consoles coming out in the next 2 years or so.... *is a sad panda*

Every time F4 got a DLC, and now this game..... I want to run out and buy an xbox..... but then I start thinking about it.... you'll have to spend 300 on a console because the entry level 200 dollar one won't have enough storage for forza..... you'll have to spend 60 bucks on the game because it's fairly popular.....

I really want to buy an xbox just for this game...... (and maybe F4).

LOL! #cotd

I didn't look through their research, nor have done any myself, but I'd have to wonder wether the type of person who drops out of high school is more likely to take up weed. Wether the high rate of pot smoking drop outs says something about the weed, or the drop outs. (Correlation doesn't equal causation and all

They make better espresso than almost any starbucks or restaurant I've been to. It's drinkable straight. So if you're coming from that it's a decent stepping stone in to espresso.

You could probably take the espresso and pour it over ice, then pour in milk/water and get something like an iced latte or iced americano. Most likely because it'll use dark beans and a fast extraction though and you'll get a 'darker' more earthy flavor than what you'd get from iced coffee. I don't know about this

Usually yeah. Especially with most of the grinds you'll get for this machine which will be extremely dark roast I'd guess..... if however your espresso uses things that are less than a city roast, it gets pretty close I think.

Golf tdi ~$30k (commuter)

+1. My first reaction is "but think how awesome a car you could get for that money!", then it's "okay fine... but what about these they're still sound choices, same price and segment, but so much more interesting!"