. . . and we can feel bad about the fact that she had to swim her way to safety after losing her kayak to the jaws of the bear.
. . . and we can feel bad about the fact that she had to swim her way to safety after losing her kayak to the jaws of the bear.
Remember when Adrian Peterson got indicted for hitting his kid?
This HAS to be really well disguised trolling. Just HAS to be.
Well, to be fair, the earth in Columbus was already pretty thoroughly scorched by the time good ole Urby took the reigns.
Didn't the Iron Curtain take, like, 45 years to fall? That'd be a hell of a run, no?
Hey, man, I've got no hate for Tim Tebow. I actually thought that he did have something to offer an NFL team and am surprised nobody gave him a chance after his preseason stint with New England.
To say that it's impossible to conclude anything about China, on the whole, based upon recent events, trends, cultural developments, etc. that may have taken place in a particular part of the country would be an understatement. To me, the feasibility of this story comes down to where within the vast expanse of…
Also, in the interest of full disclosure, I will admit that my initial reaction was something along the lines of: "Hey, woah, slow down there, guy; let's not forget that Shaun King was pretty fucking good there for a spell." And then I quickly realized that that was, in fact, your very point.
I'm going to let that Shaun King / RG3 comparison slide because I generally agree with you. Except, I will briefly remind you that it was RG3 who took 2012 offensive ROY honors, not your precious Andrew Luck (who, I agree, is the better QB in just about every meaningful way).
I found your omission of RG3 (#17) to be somewhat glaring. Also, Steve Young came in at #52, and he was pretty good.
Surely, Meyer thinks, if he just keeps talking someone will give Tebow a chance
You seem to be confused. That's my point. You shouldn't be arguing my point, which is in complete disagreement with your point. Let me see if I can clear things up for you.
When presented with the discrepant concentration levels in the two samples, Gordon commented: "Na, no gram. I smoked a whole ounce, man."
Now you've gone too far. Until very recently, P.J. Hairston was a college basketball player for the University of North Carolina. That means that he was an amateuer athlete. And that means that he didn't earn any salary or signing bonus from a professional sports franchise at all. So, where, pray tell, Mr.…
I do recognize that gas prices are high these days, and I have to admit that I haven't actually crunched the numbers, so I may be wrong here, but I suspect that a $2.3 MM signing bonus, with another $1.4 MM guaranteed would be sufficient to keep one's tank at least partially full for 17 weeks. Again, though, I might…
Yeah, well, where the fuck was Mike Florio when the NFL threw the book at Onterrio Smith, despite the fact that the urine in his "D" bottle tested completely clean?
Yeah, because Deadspin commenter sixtoolplayer really tried hard to come up with an analogous example that allows for reasonable and valid comparison.
I don't mean to pick nits here, but what the 49ers (and, yes, every team) are selling is not fans' information.