Did you work an "Oh, and by the way" in there? Are you Adam Schefter?
What the fuck are these comments? Are you just trying to pour out all of your self-loathing into one page?
There is no way you actually did this, but I'm sure posting this made you feel better.
Only if you have a severe anxiety disorder. Why would this be wrong?
Gosh, reading these comments it sounds like cooks and waitstaff are constantly spitting in food out of spite. Could this possibly be true or is it just the hateful, impotent wishes of frustrated food servers?
This article has illuminated some things for me I was previously unaware of. For one, I didn't know that I was supposed to care that waitstaff and cooks would find me annoying for requesting that food I was paying them for have one less or one more ingredient. Learn something new everyday, I guess.
Seriously. Oh you hate your job and everyone around you is stupid? It must be everyone else that is the problem, not you.
Do they know how much you resent them?
Also - every fan base is racist.
Has anyone asked Patrick George if there is a chance anyone was hurt in this rural area? I seem to remember him being able to deduce if there was anyone within 10 square miles by sticking a wet finger in the air.
I'm surprised Jezebel handled the racist friend this way. I thought they'd advise you to do what they do - Harp on racism endlessly, call out others who engage in it, and then continue hiring skinny white girls nearly exclusively while frowning about needing to something about their own diversity issues.
Penn State.
His incredible life journey took 4 days. Was this account run by a house fly?
I think Grantland is. As tiresome as Simmons can be both Grantland and the 30 for 30 series have been consistently good.
Now it remains to be seen, are the owners going to get along with this new Commissioner and be... Manfred Menn?
Maybe time for a visit: http://www.swissarmyvehicles.com/
No stop sign. We were exiting a hunting lease onto a curvy road. The curve was designated as a 25 MPH zone. We hadn't even entered the road, the driver couldn't handle the turn and got us in the driveway. It probably saved his life as he would have run into a granite outcrop if we hadn't have been there. After he…