
The arrow has more sexual tension with his sister than he has had with any of his love interests...

I have 100% accidentally touched a butt during a hug. I’ve also accidentally wrap around side boobed someone in a hug. Being 6 4 and hugging tiny people is a dangerous task.

When they stop getting asked about it everywhere.

She’s been consistently in a list movies or tv since early 2000's. I wouldn’t call that a failed career.

Sorry, Which females career was tanked by being labelled difficult to work with? Could use examples.

They know how to make them now too, they just don’t care. Once the game began being “How low of a factor of safety can we get this to while still having it technically be operational and make us more money” instead of “Lets beat the Germans and the Russians” things went downhill.

Do you have a non basic understanding of our military capabilities?

They shouldn’t have to do either thing, or be any kind of woke. Entertainment is entertainment. If people really can’t get their heads out of their asses long enough to appreciate something just because there isn’t enough non white actors in it, or there are too many non white actors in it, or they don’t address a

They interviewed the man after. He only gave one response to all questions.

Not to play that card or anything.... but you think a super white nordic god from 700 years ago put up a black guy for a candidate? Zeus probably never even saw a black guy. He would be so confused.

What the fuck is a chord?

Grew up the youngest of 3 brothers (by 8 years to the middle one) so I was the punching bag for a long time. The middle one was hands down the favorite and most protected at home so he got away with anything and was a huge shit about it. Once I hit 15 and about 6 ft he pushed a button one day and I threw the oldest

+1 for getting knocked out in a hotel room on a family vacation for refusing to tap out. Ain’t no bitch.

Other option!


You understand the dark web is still the web and you can’t completely hide yourself or your activity on it right?

You’re an awful person for putting Toy Story 3 at the top of this list. It’s either the Incredibles or Finding Nemo. The original Toy Story makes Toy Story 2 look like dog food and a Bug’s Life is way way way better than The Good Dinosaur.

He looks like a baby faced bitch and Lebron looks like a retired high school social studies teacher with too many kids. This is the least intimidating physical match up to imagine. Even if they are both abnormally sized humans with athlete muscles.... Is anyone scared of social studies teachers?

I think the absolute most important point to be made about this video, and everything around it pertaining to anything about net neutrality and limiting censorship is.....

This doesn’t even make sense..... Given the year and the president you mean they stole it from the LIBERALS right?

Considering you whiny lot have been way way way way way more tear filled than any large group of republicans have been after losing an election. I mean.. It’s not the rest of the worlds fault you put a