
You don’t see any parallels in what you’re writing about and how the Liberal media fans the flames of extreme leftism to promote its median left corporate agenda? There is as much class and money on the left as there is on the right, and neither of them benefit from actually being extreme, but they all profit on

Gender equality. Get your own coats ladies.

I don’t really understand what it is the world wants here.

Because they’re a database. They trade in information. The fun website for the rest of us is just a flashy user interface for a powerful set of data they leverage for money.

what is Latinx? Forgive me I haven’t been on a college campus in over a decade

If you tell them about the Asian Hulk they’ll crap themselves.

I will never get the robot toned “Under my umbrella” out of my head now.

These are hundred+ year old phrases. Digging them back up just gives them a power they’d already lost. Get the fuck over it.

It’s funny... Most people who throw out that useless Thoughts and Prayers nonsense are empathetic liberals, not the cold hearted GOP.

+1 for nachos

Maybe he had a desk pop in his pants and drove 5 blocks after ditching his own weapon so that people wouldn’t know.

Pics of law degree or gtfo kid. You can’t provide anything to a discussion other than dismissal no one cares about. Kudos

Here in real world all country America land we use F for our temperatures. I assume any pansy C measurement would be shorts weather for me.

Cool beans Broski!

Way to take back the word scrub. Really, phenomenal job. Someone doesn’t agree with me so they must just be shouting MAGA and eating steak with ketchup. I think you nailed it right on the head my man.

I would like to fully apologize for this horrible idea from Pepsi.

Oh the system is definitely screwy but there are sentences being thrown about with anywhere from 6 months to 30 years. 6 months is a joke, he wouldn’t even be any kind of out of touch with society or the hacking scene by then, 30 years is more realistic than a max sentence of 99 years, but do you think for a minute

This is what happens when the best thing you can say about a city is that at least it’s not in Jersey.

Because he got caught before he sold off the tens of thousands of peoples worth of personal information he stole from government websites doesn’t mean he shouldn’t be punished as if he had.... To hack is as bad as selling the data, just like to be in possession is as bad or worse than to get caught selling drugs....

Hackers, who can destroy hundreds of peoples lives without them even knowing it’s happening... Yeah why would we want them in jail forever?