
Joe Johnson, Dwyane Wade and Derrick Rose? The 2011 NBA trade deadline is nuts!

counterpoint: Give him some more Mountain Dew Code Red.

Any thought to whether the victim wants this dredged up again? Because it’s clear that legally, this can go nowhere by now. And The Daily Beast’s report caused nary a ripple in the water. And the victim herself, even as the #MeToo tide was really cresting, did not make the decision to bring these allegations to light.

He looks like Vincent D’Onofrio’s Kingpin ate one of those three course meal gums from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

Some of my fondest memories of my little brother are the both of us trying to make the other tap out of an impromptu wrestling match while remaining quiet as ninjas (lest we wake our mother from her appointed nap).

The IRS determined a pizza parlor was evading taxes by looking at how much dough they bought vs. how many pizzas they made.

Matt.Mara=Rickety Cricket?

However, we don’t because our science and ‘old wives tales’ aka Wisom of the Ages, have a tumultuous history that the Chinese counterparts do not.

I’d drink too if my car was endlessly prone to vapor lock.

Few seconds is something you’re applying to the details to try and make your point more sympathetic. That wasn’t stated. You’re comment is invalid.

What does “anecdotal” really mean anyway?

My name is there for net neutrality, and somebody with my name from another state posted a form letter against the Obama administration’s “overreach” and against net neutrality.

Damn can’t believe they’re violating her 1st Amendment rights like that.

Excuse me. Person-who-prefers-centrism here. I have no idea where you got the idea that people who would like to see America return to a time when ideas from the right and the left could be debated in public by grown-ups with a command of the issues and topics at hand, but you appear to have confused “centrist” with

not really, no

Isn’t it making a big leap to throw people- who haven’t even been asked about this yet- under the bus like this? Why wouldn’t the assumption be that everyone is appalled by this until they’ve said otherwise (or if they refuse to answer the question, when asked)

Terrorism, noun, the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes.


… to them the ‘cause’ was about preserving the agrarian way of life and refusing the industrialization of the North, which they saw as as inhuman as today we view slavery.