
It’s not heartless. I don’t know the guy, what the hell does it matter to me? As another random human being in the world that happens to exist at the same time period I do, freaking go for it. I know what HIV medication does to a person, even if they’re lucky enough to have their count under control it’s still

You’re wrong here man. There are a lot of dumb people in the world. If they want to inject themselves and maybe speed along a 40 year process of solving a disease like HIV by potentially getting lucky. Let them do it. Worse case is less idiots.

AT AT’s poop landmines man... Are you not aware of this?

I don’t think he has to fire back. There is no reason to. All it does it validate peoples thoughts that spencer needs to be debunked and isn’t just a joke outright.

What is the point of releasing your writing to the world as a scholar if not to invite debate. Yes he should stick to actual debate and not insult people, but hey.... the lefts whole deal for the past 6 years has been to insult what differs from your opinion so what’re you gonna do?

Those are tangible things though. She wasn’t ordering her weed supplies from any kind of on the books supplier so there is no paper trail for it. Well hopefully she was that smart. Otherwise yeah she’s going to federal jail for tax evasion.

Uhh... I don’t really know where you’re getting these numbers from, but a middle manager at somewhere that has part time workers on shifting schedules sounds like retail, and they’re not buying multiple vacation homes on a retail middle managers salary alone. I make more than retail middle managers and I’m an entry

They have to prove it first. You can’t get some one for tax evasion on theoretical earnings. This seems like it will be the usual,

Most of this stuff is not what your average woman experiences daily. This is an absurd list from a supremely overly cautious person.

This is why nothing gets done by you shithead millennial dumpsters. Spend more time complaining about people not understanding you, and writing the hottest of takes about it like it matters.

Do you not understand the part of the article where these fake remedies are a 3 billion dollar industry in america, and that’s just the known corps. They are big business just like Pfizer is big business. The only difference is Pfizer has to go through a decade of testing before they can give you a pill to swallow

Really, you get pscyhotic and suicidal on high levels of testosterone? Welcome to being a guy every day.

Really? Because there are a lot of articles out there about how naturally grown plant seeds that your body breaks down directly into cyanide can cure your cancer. Last I checked cyanide kills things.

None of these are out of date. All of the things he says you can still do are what the largest internet userbase (14-23) does daily. Those people also have no idea about what a utility costs or how the world works so it’s a great attempt by him.

Pretty good man. Glad I’m a boot licker for understanding that there are rules and regulations in the world that I’m not in control of and conforming to them.

This is not an entirely true statement. A lot of mothers just straight have issues breastfeeding.

So we can’t have an opinion on that, but everyone’s opinion matters on the airline?

I think the world no longer understands the difference between people feeling empathy/sympathy and people acting on it. I am sympathetic to her shitty situation, while simultaneously not caring about any of her accomplishments and only caring about if she was compliant with the rules of the airline she agreed to fly

This is dumb. Why would they be fined for keeping to a schedule that is laid out months in advance and gets THEM FINED by the FAA if they don’t keep to it. If you think air traffic across the country is flexible enough to allow something like this to happen regularly you have no idea.

Never fear, the Simpsons are still a thing