
The fact that you embrace the term ‘Woke’ means you have yet to achieve wisdom yourself.

All of them can look themselves in the mirror buddy. I feel like you don’t really understand how religion works if you think they can’t. They’re fine and dandy because all their sins are forgiven no matter what you interlopers think.

It was more a commentary on how all the coverage on this kind of stuff is worded....

Is the cell phone video available? Everyone’s so quick to jump on the airline that it’s kind of funny. Until the video comes out no one knows, but just to spin some thoughts out there.

This article is so sexist it’s amazing.

Sorry but this isn’t racism. This is business buddy.

Let me lay it out in the simplest terms possible. If you were a production company shelling out 40 million dollars for a movie that’s crossing over from Japanese Manga to American screens. Would you cast a bunch of less known Asian actors in hopes that people already

A 15 year old has the tools to make a judgement. A 15 year old secluded from her family and friends for long periods of her life to train may not, but the average 15 year old can make that judgement.

As a pretty bad blackout drunk for a half decade of my life I have heard some pretty insane stories about myself that I’ll never remember doing. I’ve also made some pretty regrettable choices in my life, both romantic and otherwise. I’ve also seen some video’s of myself and there really is just no way anyone could

Someone once told me this about the various nationwide brands of light beers and how they were all the same and I couldn’t say Corona light was awful compared to others. I then proceeded to identify 14 light beers in a row in a blind taste test until they conceded the point. Never bet against people identifying tastes

Do you really think they had power to do anything? An A list actress is only an A List actress if she keeps getting A List roles man. They come out, the offers start to dry up from associated stuidos, they become less relevant, some new 20yr old with a perky body and mediocre acting abilities steps in and they’re gone

This is the response you should definitely have to the uneducated because it will really help along all the goals you wish to achieve. It worked so well when you just yelled at the largest voting population in the country that it was inherently racist when Hillary got elected right..... oh shit wait

I don’t understand, please explain your wit

No, They have a shelf life because the majority of the population doesn’t want to pay 40 dollars for a ticket and snacks to see non attractive people do stuff on screen. I get to see non attractive people do stuff all day every day for free.

Then you get into the realm of ‘should the persons entire life and career be over forever because of one thing?’.... Even actual convicted felons get hired again.

None of these people should be allowed to have children or hold any kind of position of power.... Their schools should take away their degrees and disassociate with them forever.

This is true, but your key statement here is that it matters how much money your parents had when you were born.

A black person born into a rich black family has a better chance of being successful than a white person born into a family in poverty.

They are underlings.

It’s a little interesting to use the phrase “Black people are not a monolith” while 95% of this comment section is treating white people as a monolith. But hey, I’m just a pasty Irish guy who’s family came to this country 70 years after slavery was abolished, what would I know.

Blame your own shit ass party for being so incredibly up it’s own ass that the entire middle section of america decided it didn’t like sniffing your farts too man.

Get the fuck off your high horse and get back to actually discussing things in the real world instead of shouting idea’s louder, or getting a hotter meme

Don’t put the word in the music if you don’t want it used... Pretty simple.