

Worry about everyone who loses a job because of this. Worry about where the world is going that just an accusation somewhere can cost this many people their jobs this fast. Worry about how bad the backlash is going to be when false accusations get exposed and a whole production was cancelled....

This is the most non news news story I’ve read in a while.

This is absolutely fucked unless he’s actually proven to be guilty of anything.

Offering a realistic, and by default unpopular set of opinions here.

Finn’s face looks like he’s going to be on jezebel in 5 years for being a sexual assaulter.....

Same response to any one of these articles. You have the right to protest and do whatever you want. You do not have those rights with your employer. If I publicly embarass my employer with my political views I can be fired, CK did that and was essentially fired. Get the fuck over it. It doesn’t matter what your cause

So... what are womens excuses for being crazy assholes? Since apparently guys being crazy assholes is now a problem for everyone and needs to change.

If you’re lining people up to get raped... I’d say you’re worse than the rapist.

We could just have hundreds of slashing attacks in public venues a year like other countries do right? Just the same psychotic people, only now they have to run through a crowd with their car, or a sword, or a handful of kitchen knives.

This is a false statistic that is repeated so much everywhere.....

This is the most naive bullshit I’ve ever read about gun control. Do you even understand the amount of time and effort it would take to register all of the guns in america? Talking about a whole new department of the goverment set up at that point, spending tens of millions of dollars. Then you’d have to convince

This is hilarious, not assault. Grow up people. The equivalent of being forced to give the girl down the street a peck at a bbq because everyone and everyones aunt thinks its a big deal. Embarrassing yeah... but hilarious also

Are all liberals this bad at discussing things? Yeah broski I’m totally a Russian troll. Let me explain words to you for a minute:

Because people with over a billion dollars are generally smart enough to understand that you can’t just throw money at a problem to solve it..... that’s how they ended up accumulating so much money. Millions of dollars go into international aid every year. More than 50% of that is funneled into fake accounts, stolen

I feel like a lot of people think they’re worth far more than they are in life. How exactly is running a company people work at, and paying them for their work leeching? Because he doesn’t pay them what they think they’re worth?

There is no way to not mishandle communism. Unless you’re just going to execute smart people. I’d never agree to work a more demanding job than a bunch of mouth breathers to make exactly what they make while making their lives demonstratively better than they’re making mine.... That’s selfish sure, but that’s also the

I wish more people understood the larger scale of the economy. The fact that these peoples money is in some form of account or equity or FI means it’s IN the economy. Unless these guys are just burying straight currency in the back yard of their mansion they’re not taking anything out of the economy. Every stock or


Considering most retirement fund specialists you talk to say you should have around 2 million saved up for retirement by time you’re 65..... 2 million from the time you’re born is a little skimpy yes?