
I feel like you really need a hug man. A hug, maybe a walk outside. Maybe a walk outside, a hug, to get laid? Maybe get laid, then take a walk outside, then get a hug, read a nice book of an opposing viewpoint?

Considering morals are subjective you’re not going to get very far calling something a moral crime.

I feel like this is thrown around a lot... the “I work 2 jobs and 60 hour weeks and I don’t make crazy money so no one can” argument.

Meaning every single government in the existence of the world is a failure then, since there have always been the rich and the poor. Every Socialist countries, even communist countries, even oligarchies, tyrannies.... There has never been (nor will there ever be) an equal society. That’s not a failure of government.

That’s a pretty piss poor viewpoint. “Hey these guys in extreme power positions in one of the most competative and looks based industries on the planet with tens of millions of dollars at stake and they were complete scumbags.... I guess all guys just suck now, fuck you weiners.”

Said every teenage guy going out with his friends ever. Saying you want to get your F on with your friends in a car is a lot different than actually sexually assaulting someone.

I just want to stop being told what I might like and be able to go through their entire catalog, which is almost impossible with their setup. That’s what is going to get me to cancel it.... seeing the same 100 movies spread across the 14 categories they show you over and over again.

Sorry what? No it’s not. Mass deportation is mass deportation. Mass relocation and then murder is an aspect of genocide. Kicking everyone out of a country they are in, back to the country they are originally from is just deportation. Things aren’t linked just because it’s beneficial to your argument.

Referring to the plane going +400mph, not there actually being 400mph winds. figure birds poof extra quick that fast, then a few hundred miles of flying after and there’d be nothing left


Mean girls taught me it was alright to ask if muffins were buttered....... Female empowerment movies are to blame for this.

You understand “astroturfing” is completely non applicable to the discussion here right? Crawl back into your delusions kid.

Any owner of anything usually mandates that they’re the owner and everyone else works for them.... Doesn’t mean they’re not working class. Just this dude happens to be a crazy rich wacko

No idea where you’re from but Asylum is definitely not the more common phrase..... If anyone was even going to use Asylum it’d have to be ‘Can’t have the Patients running...” not “Can’t have the Prisoners...” But given that we both apparently have different ideas of common, I’d say it’s a pretty up to interpretation

There are a lot less billionaires looking to buy football teams than their are d1 college football players looking to get into the pro’s.... No, they’re not as exchangeable.

Are you? Do you believe that just because you call something the same thing repeatedly they become that and you’re right? Go shout at a brick that it’s a pumpkin.... it’s going to stay a brick kid. They’re not good people, but they’re not Nazi’s. All the world does by continuing along that line is detract from what

Or a... Get me off this field now I shat myself!

Another hopeless one.... There are no Nazi groups. There is the Nazi party, which doesn’t exist outside of 1900's Germany. There are racist/ethnocentric/jingoist/whatever else you want to call them groups that may be pro genocide, but they aren’t Nazi’s.

Is he actually senile at this point? If he’s actually senile can we chill with the sexual abuser nonsense, he’s not at even close to full faculties so who knows what happens in his brain when he does this.

There is a 95% chance you’ve touched someone who didn’t want to be touched. She just hasn’t decided to tell you about it or share it with the internet yet.