
We got 3! Wooo Hooo!
If you’re all on the Nazi Train, then you’ve also gotta be on the Trump is a white supremacist train, which means he wouldn’t care right?

We reply multiple times now right? Again, he’s not a Nazi, because he doesn’t fit the description of Nazi. There’s no whining there, just fact. if you can’t accept fact for what it is then you’re worthless in a discussion.

The points? He isn’t a Nazi simply because he doesn’t fit the actual definition of being a Nazi. That’s like me calling you an Antifa frittata just because you don’t like Dick Spencer. Labels are fun, but when they’re wrong they’re wrong, and when you keep misapplying something people stop listening. Everything people

How many dumb people are on here commenting about multi tools. This is for things like buck knives with loose slides or thumb pegs to assist opening. If you can’t open it one handed by flicking your wrist they don’t have a case. Try opening your leathermans knife by just flicking your wrist. you’re more likely to have

This is a terrible product review. It doesn’t tell us anything about ply, strength, absorption abilities, or if the dye gets all over your hands and ass. There isn’t even a star rating. Why bother writing a review at all?

Jason Statham taught me that I should be catching peoples punches mid air with my old scarves. You’re setting your bar too low man.

Feel like the point is completely lost on you on this one. Guy is a shithead, but that doesn’t mean you can just throw whatever foul word you want at him. It’s not helping the problem at all to decide a label that isn’t correct and keep propagating it.

Please start talking to hollywood writers to explicitly include consent gathering in all movies. You can’t have kids growing up watching a guy sweep a lady off her feet in a giant romantic gesture out of the blue and getting the girl as the norm and expect neither side to ever go for that or idolize it. Obviously not

This is pretty stupid. If you walked down a seedy looking dark alley and got stuck up people would indeed ask you why you walked down a seedy looking dark alley, no matter what you were wearing. If not you have shit friends and that’s a whole different story. The only difference between the white girl and white guy in

Sorry, but yes there are other ways. They could buy private land from a country. They could gain political power and mass deport. Both of those options don’t involve genocide and would both accomplish their goals. It’s not even about what he calls himself. Yes his ideas are wrong, and potentially dangerous. But so is

But there really is. Nazism was a political movement, a centrist movement, and an ethnic superiority movement that decided to run it’s course through mass murder and genocide. White supremacy is a bunch of people who think they’re better because there white. See the difference there? The mans an idiot and a scumbag,

Probably because Asian people just do asian stuff when they wan’t and don’t give a shit about white people’s culture and it’s worked out pretty well for them so far. But I mean... Fuck them for assimilating and wearing khakis in the workplace and accepting bad shit that happens to them without shouting racism every

But he’s not a Nazi, he’s a white supremacist, there is a big difference. He can think white is right and not ask people to take never ending train rides or go into windowless rooms that no one comes out of....

Agreed. Whatever chemicals they use to give it that real flame broiled taste light my insides on fire.

You seem mad. Did none of the older guys you liked pay any attention to you? That must have been rough. Sorry you’re mad

Thank you for sharing what is undoubtedly a crazy look into an issue years past that is clearly still awkward for both people. My question to you would be, is there a chance for forgiveness? Is there room in the world for a good person doing a bad thing, understanding that bad thing, living with that bad thing, and

Nothing about what you said actually addresses the issue. It doesn’t matter if it’s separate or goes on last, it’s still checked and in the plane. They do not return luggage of any kind in that situation, no matter if you have kids or extra bags.

So you’re stance is actually that younger girls can only like older guys because of psychological issues and cultural pressure? Life is cultural pressure so I’m just going to throw that one out the window to start with. So everyone who dates an old guy is fucked in the head according to you. That’s some real

I don’t think any of you get this. There are only 2 ways you get your checked baggage back after it’s inside the plane.

I don’t buy adspace in the media man... I can’t control what they show me to make the most money.