
But it’s not, because it happens... people marry decades younger and older all the time. That would tend to make that fantasy not one sided right?

You know david cross is a comedian right... and that as a comedian it’s pretty much his job to make stereotypical jokes and poke fun at people for whatever he can right.... You know any comedian 10 years ago was saying stuff that would get them strung up on the internet these days right?

You sound like someone who’s never been punched in the face for being a prick.

Because it doesn’t matter where they play. It’s so glorified at a college level that they get whatever they want in terms of money, support, women, drugs, alcohol, et cetera.

Higher chance of that being legit than Paterno’s claim. They were the managers of the program, he was a doctor, they consulted but didn’t work closely together on everything. Different dynamic than Paterno and the Tickle Monster.

Merkel is great but not the most powerful by far. Bezos and Zuckerberg have more power than Merkel and they’re not even politcal entities. If you go deep into Putin, between running Russia like a gangster and being worth something like 200 billion off the books and having one of the 5 largest standing armies in the

Can we stop fucking dads on child support?

Maybe if everyone was able to play semantics the same with things would be slightly different. There’s an interesting piece in a book by Branden Sanderson about how you can’t learn to beat someone until you can twist words like they can.

Can I be the obligatory comment asking why the Packers haven’t already signed Colin Kaepernick as their new starter and then spout a bunch of stuff about them being racist because of it?

Sounds like valid protection against a place that works in the real world, against paper skinned people who don’t live in the real world.

Is it really? Rampant cheating harms the continuation of a gaming community. It’s costing them money while Johnny down the street gets his neckbeard rocks off in multiplayer. They should be held accountable.

What does any single thing in your comment have to do with being suspended for violating a ToS agreement? Yes, it is a publicly traded company, if you think that means they make all of their money off of their shareholders I’m afraid you don’t really have any idea how the stock market works or what it represents. If

Guy pursues girl

Doesn’t matter what you’re speaking out about.... you break ToS you get punished by ToS, this is a bullshit article. She’s not being hushed up, she’s being told to clean up her language or find another platform. You’re not free to just say whatever you want once you click that little “I Accept these Terms” button.

The fact that you actually had the subconscious need to call it Nazi Germany at the start of your post kind of completely destroys anything you say after that about it not being a Nazi extermination camp.....

Who is We? I’m not from middle america, but am White and don’t fear Trump. I don’t support him, I don’t like his attitude or propensity for running his mouth like a child, but I don’t fear him. Maybe take a longer look into how your government is actually set up to work and you won’t fear him either. He can be as

Innocent until proven guilty isn’t saying I don’t believe a victim. I may class victim differently than you though. Just because someone says something bad or wrong happened doesn’t always mean it did though. Walking into a situation with that mindset seems like it would effect your job since you’d always be looking

Typical internet deflection garbage. It’s interesting to see how much people complain about Trump deflecting or whatabouting shit and then turn around and do it to anyone who doesn’t agree with them. Ironically, mostly by saying “You can’t be right about anything because you wanna maga trumps dick” or something to

Everyone hates Jerry Jones, but what if this is just a giant sly middle finger to Trump. What if people kneel for the anthem and he doesn’t bench them.... What if he then has a press release and someone asks him and he just smiles at them with that crypt keeper face and goes “No one was disrespecting the flag there,

So you don’t care if someone is innocent and settles, you just assume they’re guilty because they settle... That’s confidence inspiring that that is your belief and you work in the system.