
I think this might be dumber than his statement.

And the fact that they need to make all that money back before their patent runs out and generics can hit the market! the real problem is most pills don’t drop in price after that anyways and some people still get stuck buying them.

The average american consumer needs a dose of spending reality not more cash. The difference between Want and Need has grayed too much for most people.

We should not do this.... the government doesn’t even efficiently use the resources it has. When it shows the ability to do that then maybe we can talk about just handing them more cash.

I just really want to know how this apology is specifically craven just because of who the statement is against.... As opposed to all of the other media apologies forced by public pressure that happen every day? Maybe just let the media report and stop calling for peoples jobs just because you don’t always agree with

Do you watch any sport? I’m trying to gauge your level of cognitive dissonance here since none of them are clean.

But it does just describe color to them. Their cultural history is not the same as ours so they wouldn’t have the same connotations attached to the word as we would. It’s silly to assume that the whole world treats this 1 word the same way we do.

Mansplaining: “You probably just won’t understand it sweetheart but I’ll try and make it easy for you......”

It’s interesting how a guys explain things in the same way to their male counterparts.... often with actual intended verbally abusive jabs thrown in... and it’s not a problem. But when they do it to a female it’s an issue. Equality is great right? Or is this just, you can be mean to guys, we don’t care, but you

I think unions need to exist for jobs that require it. Working in an assembly line is a skill, it’s not a super high valued one, but it is still one that takes training and time and is needed. That’s fine for a union. What really bothers me is that something like Stop and Shops grocery baggers are unionized..... I

There is a massive difference between the front office of a union making 200K a year and a normal union worker making 60k a year, than Bezos making a few hundred million a year and a warehouse worker making 35k a year. One is normal meritocrocy pay system, the other is an incredible gap in wealth.

There is only really one crucial piece of information in this whole piece... And that is that ‘Becky’ was once a controversial term for fellatio. Never gave any thought to the word outside of repeating the intro to baby got back several hundred times in my life.

Thank you sir!

I think they loopholed her in there. Technically she participated in a Wimbledon qualifier and pulled out due to injury. As far as the Open was concerned, she was returning from Injury, not from Suspension, so the wildcard is justified.

Would probably be pretty good, he already finished of one mega decade spanning series, why not another. He is probably a little too happy to write these books though.

I still don’t understand how ordinary henchmen block her punches like it’s no big deal. That kind of thing flies in a big time A list superhero outing, but d list I don’t give a crap street level heroes like her? She should be all about breaking arms off whenever someone tries to block her. Pulling punches is for

Yeah I really don’t understand this. Cheating has nothing to do with feminism

Not to discredit the issues being discussed here

Someone please enlighten me on this. I am fully able to express whatever views I have at my workplace, but I am also able to be reprimanded and or fired because of this.... since it is a workplace and I have no protected rights to my opinion at a workplace. Football is his workplace, he can express whatever he

This is the dumbest thing I’ve seen on this site to date. At least pick a freeze frame that isn’t a bunch of white guys who play TE if you’re going to make a bad hot take about a slave auction.

I am doing no such thing. I never said these people should be placed in camps. Show me, in explicit detail, where I said anything that even came close to this.