
Do you have a time machine so you can verify that they literally just sat around all day and every day talking about this to the point where there was no way not every single person there was fighting for that exact reason?

Again, you can’t apply a modern moral standpoint on something that happened hundreds of years

They do have all the rights you do. Your rights also don’t include running over people with cars or assaulting them so I fail to see the point. You’re pretty much saying you were ok with Jap Internment camps in WW2. Can we start taking away prisoners rights too since they broke laws? Can we start jailing

This is the dumbest response to any of this I’ve read. Gold star sir. The days of being able to revolt against the US military were over after the civil war. This isn’t a random 3rd world country where everyone has the same AK’s and RPG’s. There is literally nothing civilians can do against a mobilized US military.

But they do have every right to their stupid beliefs as you do... That’s the glory of America my friend. We fought a war to have our own flag, yet we still let people burn it.

Also, from a strictly historical standpoint (which is how something like this should be viewed) I am against pulling down statues like this.

That’s a shit response. You can full well have empathy for people effected by racism and still not have voted for a Lib candidate. The world is not black and white in race or political persuasion.

There should be but apparently there isn’t. I agree with most of the other replies here though. You have no rights to your opinion in a workplace regardless of where that opinion comes from. I’d have problems with this if he’d posted it on his own, outside of the work environment, and it had ended with him getting

Yup, I’m totally racist man, you got me. Thinking starboard is a common enough term that people graduating high school would have come across it at some point in their lives is definitely racist. I guess I’ll go back to my bigot shame corner.

Why are people so ok with this assault when so much of this is about stopping assault?

How is this not about them though? For the past 6 years, more so in the past 2 white people have been called racist for simply existing in the world and existing in a system that is stacked against certain people, regardless of their own input or position in that system.

Apparently you missed the point of, stop making excuses for everything. I don’t sail, I’m far from upper class white, I still know what starboard means. It’s a word used enough in many forms of media that you can be exposed to it no matter where you are. Everything can’t be racist or discriminatory just because you

We as a society need to also understand there are more than just 2 sides to issues. Both the far left and far right are causing more issues than real discourse and need to stop being legitimized by the media. Both have insane views, both have insane ideologies, both are toxic and detrimental to the supposed causes

It’s never enough to get congress involved. The NFL is a business, who and what they hire or continue to employ is no ones say but their own. The only reason they pretend to care about this stuff is because there must have been some sort of ratings drop during the Rice problems and they love their money too much to

I’m also a big fan of dried mustard, very very underrated spice when dealing with anything poultry

It was a great predictor. I took the SAT’s hammered and spent my first year hammered as well.

This isn’t bullshit, it’s called vocabulary. I am a white dude who does not own a boat, I know what starboard means because I do things like read books and look up definitions. The test isn’t just a pure grammar test.

You could... you know.. accept that some people want nothing more in life than to live in their small town sipping lemonade and having a simple life. That would be more open minded. Instead of calling them ignorant simpleminded people. Just because they don’t live your life doesn’t mean they’re wrong.

I’m a little confused by this. The first part is a problem, women and men with the same education and experience should be offered the same starting salary. The 2nd and 3rd parts of this are not the companies problem to correct at all, and it shouldn’t be something they’re penalized for not correcting. If a man or

Thankfully I can change my login and app passwords for work outside of the forced timer if I have to I just go down the list every time I hit an expiration. 8 days till #20!

Given how many times it’s said in these comments there are going to be a lot of people literally resetting their passwords to gobbledygook## over the next few weeks. Hooray for security.

Forced to change every 56 days, on #19 at the end of my phrase. It really is a bad system