
Everyone’s racist buddy, you just have a problem with a certain sect of it. Calling all white people who voted for Trump racist is itself a racist statement.

I’m pretty sure all these comments just blatantly disregarding anything he has to say in a fairly well written piece are exactly the problem. He didn’t say anything extreme, he gave examples and provided his viewpoints and left it open for discussion. The only problem is no one seems to want to have a discussion.

He is an adult. Not filing the correct paperwork to be able to enter a different country is 100% his own fault. Trying to lay any blame on Valve is some childish shit.

Thank you, I was definitely reading the the 73 and adding the paratroopers on top for some reason instead of including. The naval split shipwise wasn’t super lopsided, but the crew disparity was immense. I’m conveniently ignoring the 150 something merchant/transports converted for military use by the British that

I don’t really know where to start with all these replies....

You do understand that major economic crisis’s are more the fault of the previous presidency or two, and not the current one right? 

Please refer to it as a Bulge slider, not a crotch slider, it’s much more vulgar and awesome.

Look at me toss the race card out for stars baby! Considering the UFC rode central and south american fighters to even exist for a long time, and still does, and has multiple black and Hispanic champions and 1 contenders at this very moment probably play a different card right?

It will be interesting to see what “Games as a service” morphs into given all the litigation coming through in multiple countries that is starting to classify RNG based pay to play products in games as gambling. It hasn’t become a big thing in the US yet since there aren’t really RMT markets here like there are in

My old man skills are just going to be day drinking without shitting myself. I think I win.

You want a money grab, look at the game archeage. The entire game is based on the ability to RMT items, which is great in Korea where it was made, but has turned into a systematic milking of the US and Euro population. So bad people are leaving the game in droves.

Starts out as a dude angry with someone not agreeing with their world view, because of course their worldview is correct and the other persons is hot garbage. Ends on a great note. One of the few “Fuck this conservative nonsense because it’s different than what I believe is right” articles that I’ve read all the way

I would, but I’m not in that situation, and I don’t make my life decisions based on improbable what if’s.... That would be insane. I’d probably stop driving, flying, swimming, walking near the street, touching public doorknobs, eating processed food, the list goes on and on.

But it’s not people voting against their interests. It’s people voting against what you decided their interests should be. Personally my interests don’t include a complete social safety net for the society I live in. Moralistically it would be an amazing thing for people of all walks of life to benefit from.

What if they told you the rest of the world is wrong, and not everyone should have healthcare? What if they told you that human beings die sometimes, and that that happens because we also live, and all living things must die. You don’t have to like death, but it’s not a basic human right to have access to everything

Am I the only one wondering what the actual point of this article is?

I’m not trying to disprove anything. It’s just insane how everyone instantly makes this such a broad and GOP specific problem when it is something that happens a ton of places

You should stick to single player games on the whole if you don’t think you should work with your TEAM in a TEAM game to give them the best chance to come out as the top TEAM.

Calling people very dumb is a great argument. Yes war in the region would be awful, but he idea of scorched earth? You’re talking about the 4th or 5th largest standing army in NK, but the technology and supplies available to it o sustain a large scale ground war just aren’t there. They don’t have the public

Should be super worried about all the impoverished peoples that will bear the brunt of any military attack. Just keep letting whatever happens happens instead of forcibly adjusting the country for the better, and putting it on a less dangerous path. That’s cool dude, so you’re pro letting China continue to exploit