
You’re absolutely kidding yourself if you don’t think this happens at any liberal media network as well or liberal agenda pushing place of business. This isn’t a GOP issue, this is a society issue buddy. Keep pretending like it only happens one way though, that’s helpful for everyone.

Like Shit, Regardless of any outcome you’re still a Suns fan.

How is this not ok? Please read the whole story before blogging your shit man. Volunteers were sought already, they were offered 800 in cash, another flight, and if necessary hotel stay. No one volunteered, someone was picked, and that person refused to leave. They then forcibly removed him. Just like if he was

I mean, I think you’re not really looking at the fact that she was going to try and get him arrested for attempted rape...... once you start throwing that out you lose all right to being offended.

Can we take the time to point out that we’ve never taken an actual full scale warlike action into the middle east, or anywhere since WW2? You can’t win a war the way we’re forced to fight now a days. If you look at all of the “awful” things that were done during ww2 to actually win ...Firebombing cities into

You should probably take a time out and gather yourself buddy. I don’t think you really understand the situation well. Maybe go back to Dr. Seuss books for a bi.

Damn dude...... You sound incredibly upset that he actually gets paid real money to write actual stories, while you get paid blog money to complain on the internet.

This is the dumbest section of comments i’ve ever read. You are all the problem.

You suck it up and take CT from New England. With CT, NY, and CA you cover all the banks, all the investment money, and all the Tech money. Trumpistan would go bankrupt.

I find it amazing that you can actually post something like this. Way to be brave man... you did toss out a bunch of pleasantries to try and please the angry hordes in these comments, but you actually said something that made sense and had some logic behind it.

I mean... Nature has been waging war against his existence for billions of years. Can we hate nature now?

I wish someone would pay me tens of millions of dollars to systematically destroy my body over a short period of time, so that I could live a shorter, richer, more opportunistic life....... Instead I get paid like a normal person to slog through life for 70 years of potentially less physically painful life never

I don’t think you’re allowed to believe in natural selection if you’re Liberal and agree with social safety nets. Since they keep tons of “inferior dna” alive all the time.

Take this a step further and understand that if doctors aren’t allowed to monitor as they feel necessary, and your baby dies, you have no recourse and no one to blame but yourself. These doctors that deal with hundreds of births a year and went to a decade of school for it are far more knowledgeable about what is

What is arcane about them? A trans person can undergo any hormone treatments they want, their body still doesn’t fully develop like the other sex’s will. A natural male will still have a “dominant” skeletal and muscular structure to a ftm on hormones. They’re still at a disadvantage wrestling against a natural

This is some Coleman Silk level shit. Where does the world go once we automatically attach the worst possible meaning to everything that comes out of peoples mouths?

The Idea that you don’t understand that CBP is a federal organization and not a state organization, and thus has a duty to Federal law before state law is utterly terrifying to me. If you can’t educate yourself on topics you shouldn’t be shouting about topics, it’s just feeding the problem. It’s like the fact that

How do you have a north-south line in space?

If the past 4-6 months have taught us anything its that democrats have become vehemently non inclusive of others who don’t conform to their opinions. Not only that, but they’re the most belligerent group of people that are in the public at this time. Morality, justice, freedom, and rights are not things you should

Fake news is fake. Way to contribute to a very real problem that gives him something to hide behind. When will all you liberal shits learn that all this haughty, uber witty bullshit you feed each other like popcorn is the reason we’re all stuck in this shit right now. Grow the fuck up