
If you really believe that all murderers are mentally ill, then you wouldn’t be able to dispute that the US is the 4th worst country in the world when it comes to mental illness.

I tend to agree with this. Blaming Kanye’s actions on mental illness is akin to gun nuts blaming mass shootings on mental illness. 

Green and Poole didn’t “fight,” though. Draymond threw a sucker punch at a guy who clearly wasn’t expecting things to escalate like that.

That’s a good point. The effects of gerrymandering do allow officials to put more restrictive voting measures in place, which obviously affects statewide voting.

Gerrymandering is definitely an issue, but not in statewide elections. Governors and Senators aren’t helped by gerrymandering districts.

I had an old Motorola flip phone that flew out of my pocket on a pretty tall, high-speed rollercoaster. I told a worker about it, and someone was actually able to find it for me.

I used to think like that, but it’s actually very simple. These people crave power more than anything. They would hate their mothers, sisters, and children if it helped them consolidate more power.

I never thought the leopards would eat my face...but now that they are, why try to stop them?

Why can’t you just have those people come back and work in the office? Basically, if you can show you can be productive from home, we’re cool with it. But if you can’t, we need you to work in the office.

It depends on what you want to go after him for. It’s pretty clear he’s already guilty of “minor” things related to the espionage act, but if you really want to get him for treason, you need A LOT of evidence to convict anyone, let alone a former president.

You’re optimistic if you think there will only be a few dozen bots.

If I adopt a pet and have absolutely no clue how to take care of it, and it dies because I don’t know what I’m doing, am I well-intentioned?

Exactly. It’s been debunked. But even if it were true, I’d rather be autistic than paralyzed or dead. 

If he actually said that, he needs to work on his math a bit. If you work 100 hours, it will take someone 10 months to accomplish what you do in 4 months.

How is “Dark” not on the list? One of the best shows of the last 3-4 years, period, imo.

Also, why use a picture at all? Is there really a college athlete who doesn’t know what a hood is?

I don’t even know what he means by saying people forgot about colds and the flu. Like, generally, if you don’t have either of those illnesses, you don’t think about them. Does that mean you forgot they exist?

The NHL has arguably taken more COVID measures than other North American sports league. Part of that may be because of the Canadian government, but still.

I think the “Who Balled Out” portion needs an addition. This was a play in the 2nd quarter. Granted, it was third down, but this wasn’t an end of the game situation. This is the first time I’ve seen a team design a play like this in the normal flow of the game.

Frankly, I’m cynical of every politician. The amount of ego that is required for someone to think they they’re the only person who can fix a problem or represent a group of people - then ask for people you don’t even know to fund that belief - isn’t usually found in upstanding people.