Are you me? I work in public interest law, my husband is a teacher. He makes more than I do (and it will only get worse once he finishes his Master's degree). Aren't teachers supposed to be the prime example of an underpaid profession?
Are you me? I work in public interest law, my husband is a teacher. He makes more than I do (and it will only get worse once he finishes his Master's degree). Aren't teachers supposed to be the prime example of an underpaid profession?
I agree with you that not stopping is the most important thing, and I agree with you that setting goals and pushing yourself to reach them is what brings progress. Totally true statements. It's just that in an article that is geared toward people who have been told a million times to do exactly that ("you just have…
Yeah, you lost me at "8:30 pace" in the first line of that workout. I'm one of the overweight people this article is targeted for. I do run already, and my running pace is almost 2x that. My husband lovingly teases me that what is running to me is walking or speedwalking to everyone else. I'm fat and have short…
Change of planz. We iz not reading book today. Ur hed haz built-in kitteh toy. We iz playing wif dat today.
I think "labradorabull" is the proper term the cuteness there.
If she was doing something else that was the basis for her removal from the courtroom, then I would agree that she was not "authorized to be present." However, she was removed specifically for breastfeeding. She was otherwise authorized to be present (it was a public courtroom, she had business before the court,…
Time, place, and manner restrictions really only apply to restrictions on speech when considering whether they violate the 1st Amendment (extended to the states by the 14th Amendment).
The court can't set rules that are in violation of a state law. If state law says "A mother may breastfeed her child in any location, public or private, where the mother is otherwise authorized to be present" and she is otherwise authorized to be present in the courtroom, then she may breastfeed her child in the…
I'm guessing they didn't really care how long her hair was, she was just "different" so they picked on the most noticeable aspects of her differentness in the worst ways they could think of.
Recurrent themes to my dreams include:
Oddly enough our local co-op was the place I came closest to having luck. They said they get it sometimes if their source of pork has it available.
I was surprised at the lack of it in what is our main regional chain grocery store. But I checked every conceivably relevant department. I will definitely use it to season our cast iron pan though when I get some. Thanks for the tip.
I was pretty surprised too. I checked the eggs/butter area, the meat section, and the baking aisle (although I doubted I would find it there since it doesn't seem shelf stable). Nothing.
I am curious as to how one's baby will end up with digestive issues following this method? We did this when our son was first starting solids and it worked just fine. Within a couple of weeks he had a good variety of foods that he was eating, and we continued to add from there. At that age (about 5 1/2 months) he…
Wait, never mind. Someone else posted that Target sells it, and apparently one of the Super Targets nearby has it. Looks like I'm getting some lard!
Where can a girl buy lard? I have been looking at local grocery stores and none have it. I'm going to branch out to the "ethnic" grocery stores, but which are most likely to have it? I have a pie crust recipe that wants to know.
I don't usually actually laugh out loud at things, but this I actually LOLed at. Thank you.
I'm a very visual person. The top parts with all the statistics about how many people we could feed if we stopped wasting food isn't particularly useful to me in infographic form. But the bottom part with the picture of the fridge definitely is. If it were in written form only, I would need for it to be a set of…
I think it's more of stability in that you are more likely to live in the same spot for a longer period of time if you buy a house than if you rent. So it's not that it's a stable investment but that your 3rd cousin will be able to send you a Christmas card every year without one suddenly coming back "unable to…
Hey, I've seen the coupons for the new styles. They are much more form-fitting and fashionable than they used to be. :-)