You mean like Depends?
You mean like Depends?
Clearly I have watched Ghostbusters II way too many times.
Another reason why Canada sounds magical.
I wonder if novelty has anything to do with that. That the act of tackling a new problem is rewarding, but that finishing up something that you have been working on for a while is less rewarding than moving on to the next new thing.
I for one am not mocking men in feminine clothes. I am mocking a man in a horn hat, bird sweater, and Mickey Mouse sweatpants. The outfits that actually look the most feminine, like the very first model with the one-shoulder shirt and the multi-colored skirtish pants thing (it it culottes? please let it be…
Thank you for your sarcasm. I actually agree with you that the whole quest for some optimal, idealized state of health and the idea that one can attain it with exactly the right balance of nutrients is sort of ridiculous. I don't think that either kale or goji berries or whatever the latest trendy food is (I've…
I think the problem is that we (and by we, I mean food scientists, which I am not) don't know every single thing in every food that provides some benefit or detriment to human health or the necessary proportions to achieve that benefit or detriment. Even those that have been studied pretty extensively are not…
I can easily wear a XXL in any other brand of work-out wear and occasionally (rarely, but it has happened) an XL. At Target? I buy socks. And sports bras, oddly enough. But I've found exactly one style of pants that fit even remotely well, and they are the cheapest, crappiest ones they sell. Their XXL is too…
I am plus-sized and hardly ever find anything that fits and is flattering at Target. Their plus-sized section is so small, so limited, and like you said usually baggy and shapeless and poorly fitted, so even if something technically fits me, it's not flattering. But their maternity stuff was great when I was…
If your ex's only explanation for why the relationship ended was that you "need to lose weight and date more guys" then the problem probably really lies with him and not with you.
Gift card in a cereal box. Boring grown-up cereal for kids if you can. The look of puzzled disappointment ("Really? Is this a joke? I'm trying to look appreciative because I'm a good kid, but I just want to feel sad if this is really my present. I'm seven. I want toys and football stuff, not digestive…
I think they will figure it out when phone #1 stays home all day, phone #2 stays in your office all day, and phone #3 starts at home, rides the train to your office, goes down the street to the deli for lunch, returns to your office, gets back on the train, stops at the grocery store, then walks the 5 blocks back to…
Well, if by "double dip" you mean you want to increase your savings even more, you could put away the cost of the item when you buy it, and then put away the total amount of the credit card bill when you pay it off. For example, you go to the store, buy the $20 Blu-Ray, charge it on your credit card. When you get…
"What? What was that, human? Is there something you want me to do? I can't quite hear you. You seem really upset, human. Tell you what, as soon as I'm done saving this indoor tree from the hoards of attacking coloredglassballs, I will c0me sit on your lap and purr. How does that sound? That's all you need, isn't…
The best things you can do, if you are truly concerned about a friend or family member are:
Good to know. I was a little worried when my pee was bright, bright yellow when I was pregnant, even though I was drinking water like there was no tomorrow. I figured it was the wacky hormones, but sounds like it was the prenatal vitamins.
It was purposeful.
Yep. :-). And "I never seen...." There's also a missing comma. Like I said, truly painful to write.