
I don't really either. I'm sure it factors in slightly, but I would think the more significant, if harder to measure factor with TV viewing would be that characters on shows (especially sitcoms) are, if not outright materialistic, at least often very middle class and often trendy. They wear cute clothes, have nice,

Me too. Or four. Or whatever we are at now. My husband is 6'3 and I'm 5'6, but I'm all torso and he's more averagely proportioned. I sometimes have to run to keep up with him. Then there are the times when he walks through a crowd all giant and fast and there's just enough room for one person to get through and I

Basically it minimizes the amount of time you watch TV and the amount of completely mindless TV watching that both exposes you to product placement and commercials but also catches you with your guard down. Instead of just having the TV on for a couple hours in the evening and clicking through channels until you find

That may be true, but I've found something that works for me, so why mess with it? If my current shoes left me injury plagued or struggling to increase my mileage or speed or whatever, then I might consider a change. But I see no point in fixing something that doesn't seem to be broken just because it's popular.

Interesting. I wear stability shoes, the Nike Zoom Structure to be specific. They are the most comfortable running shoes I've had. I no longer hurt my ankles when I run like I did as a child. I haven't had shin splints or plantar fasciitis since wearing these shoes. Now, I don't claim that these are the best

The researchers found that inserts in general were more comfortable and also better at preventing injury than no-inserts. But they also found that the comfort of inserts was related to the characteristics of the foot. So it doesn't mean that specific foot types don't benefit from specific insert types. It just

Don't worry, totally joking. :-)

But Egyptians in ancient times were white. Duh.

I agree, and I also think that the setting is pivotal. The time, place, and social/cultural context are so important to why Pride and Prejudice works as a story while imitations of it don't. Are their themes that can manifest themselves in other times, places, and social/cultural contexts? Sure. But can the

Probably 1997 or 1998. I was a sophomore or junior in high school and finally successful in convincing my parents that it was impractical for me to write essays and research papers long-hand when everyone else had a computer.

I agree that the notion of "he/she is in a better place now" really does depend on the individual and the circumstances. After a sudden death, especially if the person was not particularly religious, those may not be comforting words. If you've watched a love one fade slowly due to illness and seen them losing

The exact names vary from state to state, but they are commonly called "special needs trusts" or "supplemental needs trusts."

I would highly recommend that your fiancee (and her father) talk to a financial planner or attorney who has experience in financial planning for people with disabilities/people on Medicaid. I don't know how old you two are, if either of you are also receiving any other public benefits (such as SSI) or have any other


Nice response!

This comic relates well to the topic of this post. Good one!

Good comment!

I appreciate your comment!

Awesome comment!

This is a great comment!