
For women, or for anyone with kids or where there are often multiple people in the car, I would still recommend a blanket. You can't cover all the kids with one hoodie. And if you're out in winter wearing a skirt, that hoodie won't do much for your freezing cold legs.

While I agree that punching the boob is a classic, no-fail move, I think your safe to make sure you get the hands to meet and then quickly get your eyes up to make eye contact. Just don't stare at their hand while you shake or worse, stare at their boob. A boob punch is one thing, but a boob stare is never cool.

Yeah, reading this article made me realize that I have always suffered from FOMO, and the social aspect is just one small part of it. Much worse is my difficulty saying no to projects at work, activities that might be interesting, etc. I end up on all the committees and trying to do all the things and end up doing

Yeah, I'm 5'6" and 239, which is very exciting to me because this the first time I remember being under 240 (and the last time I was 240 was about 4 years ago after a bout with H1N1 and pneumonia that left me so sick and weak that my mother in law had to go to the store and buy me yogurts and frozen meals so I would

So, could a Mormon bring a similar suit on the grounds that use, let alone abuse of alcohol, is not permitted in their religion, but many insurance plans offer some coverage for substance abuse treatment? Can a Jehovah's Witness file a similar suit on the grounds that their religion says they cannot receive a blood

There is a huge, huge trend in pushing women to become more educated about pregnancy and childbirth. Some of this comes from a legitimately good place, in that each woman is an individual, each pregnancy is different, and doctors sometimes will recommend things that are the standard of care but that aren't the most

That's at least what this study said. I don't know whether that is categorically applicable to IVF pregnancy too or what the actual numbers are or if it's not so much the hormone levels as it is that whatever triggers progesterone to rise also impacts the timing of delivery or other aspects of fetal development. But

I'm curious as to what issues would be significant enough to warrant an earlier induction. For me, it was well-controlled gestational diabetes plus a slight increase in blood pressure that got them to send me for induction at 41 weeks. It's possible that my due date was off a bit, so I might have only been 40 weeks

It sounds like it's a mix of things. Some women having different lengths of menstrual cycle. So the calculations of due date are based on a 28 day cycle with ovulation at day 14. But what if someone has a 34 day cycle with ovulation on day 20. Or a 28 day cycle with ovulation on day 18 (short luteal phase)? Or,

It also depends on the route you would be taking to work and the "bike-friendliness" of other drivers. Are there wider roads, bike lanes, or bike paths/trials on your route? Those increase bike safety. If there are narrow roads with a lot of on-street parking and heavy traffic, that decreases bike safety. Lots of

You are misreading the chart (probably because it's confusing as heck). The left column where it says accumulation phase refers to whether you have 20, 30, or 40 years to save for retirement. Then under retirement phase, it gives how much to save for each level of fixed asset allocation depending on how long you

I was thinking the same thing, but then I realized that he and his buddy were working on the app as a side project. So he took time off work (his day job) to work on the app (his side project). The quote that's used is really confusing, but the year-long project at work isn't the app. He's just saying that to show

Exactly. The better "bargain" for me would be the smaller bag of cookies because there would be fewer for me to eat.

That's why he's not running for Senate. He knows the farther east he goes, the fewer votes he would get. I am still in denial that the redistricting stuck me in his district.

My advice would be to get the best available paying job, even if that is flipping burgers or waiting tables or stocking shelves at the grocery store. It doesn't have to be a full-time job, and I would actually recommend that it be not quite full-time so that you have plenty of time left to volunteer in a position

Jurors paid for their own personal purchases and appointment costs. The sheriff's office paid for the movie and bowling excursions and the Ripley's admission. Although exact costs are not yet available, the hotel cost was approximately $1,000 daily, and meals were approximately $375 per day. The excursion expenses

Yeah, it can be problematic for people who struggle with bad eating habits "I'll just reward myself for writing that email with a giant cookie!" Or it can be problematic for those of us who will say "I can't go to lunch until I finish XYZ" and then end up either so distracted by hunger that it takes us twice as long

Regardless of what option you choose, familiarize yourself with landlord-tenant laws applicable in your state and locality. Read your lease before you sign it, and get a copy of it and any building rules or other paperwork that cover your tenancy. No matter how nice your landlord or the property manager seems and

I always deleted it because I thought it was tacky. Like you're bragging about your phone. For my work account, I actually added my regular signature block so no one can tell where I'm emailing from. I'm fine with mentioning it's sent from a phone if you find that necessary to explain brevity. But then again, I'm