“The conditions in which migrants are currently living in some European countries may well be difficult, and deserve still greater international attention, but concentration camps they certainly are not,” AJC CEO David Harris declared.
“The conditions in which migrants are currently living in some European countries may well be difficult, and deserve still greater international attention, but concentration camps they certainly are not,” AJC CEO David Harris declared.
I see both sides of this. I buy a lot of my clothing online, and I end up returning a lot of it, because even though I am pretty aware of the shapes that fit me, they don’t always look the same when shipped. On the other hand, I work at physical retail location, and the number of women who I have to send to online…
I ordered five pairs of shoes on Amazon to go with a bridesmaid’s dress, because I was too busy to go shopping. and before I did I had to tell my husband- I am going to need your support with returning these! Otherwise we’re going to have five pairs of *silver* strappy heels, god help us.
Of all the things you can by online. clothing to me, is one you really need to try on in person. Yes, you can order it & return it if it isn’t right. However, that is a lot more hassle than schlepping to a B&M location and making sire something fits right before spending money on it. I imagine a good amount of online…
Ah I loved Bebe. My 20 something self found many a sexy outfit for hot dates. I’m glad I had that sexy gal moment, you know— before kids. Back when my boobs were still perky and I didn’t need to wear a bra. Those were the good ole days...
It all comes down to what, exactly, we are comparing to Nazism/the Holocaust/Hitler and how we do it.
I actually agree with this point. Having lost family members to the Holocaust—of one branch of the extended family, only two individuals survived the camps—I know that there is no rational conversation on this topic. The horror and the grief and the rage are so immense (and should be) that it seems obscene to impose…
I disagree that his use of the term was misguided. If we’re working from this definition of concentration camp:
Considering her family history, that makes perfect sense.
I liked when he cohosted the Essentials, but I did not like Drew Barrymore. She had a very simplistic view of movies, and it was clear that they were the only way she saw her family. She would always talk about how much she learned from them. It was very sad.
which kicks off on May 6, will be David Letterman, Baldwin’s former 30 Rock costar and series creator Tina Fey, and Oscar-winning director William Friedkin.
How amazing would it be to be walking down the street in NYC and have Hilaria stop and ask you this in front of Alec Baldwin?
I have to admit I’ve always had a bit of an eyeroll for Hilaria Baldwin. Apropos of nothing really besides her name (not her fault I know but I see Hilaria and think hilarious and just start laughing) and the contant yoga photos and instagramming. But I may just be a fan now because that is great and so so true.
Voters better fucking show up then too.
Omg I am so fucking sick of hearing “reporting/punishing harassment (or assault) would ruin his career/life/prospects,” while no one gives a shit about the woman involved. I really expected better from Berkeley but I probably shouldn’t have.
However, critics argue that companies exploit the program and use it to replace American jobs with cheaper labor from overseas.
Archer said it the best.
I can’t believe China continues to tolerate North Korea’s antics as it has become the mooching roommate.
This infuriates me and I am not even a citizen.
Man, thank God we kept the Clinton family from increasing its personal wealth through the presidency, amirite, guys?