For Mosa My Life

For $9000, a group of girls could have a freaking great time at Abaco Island in the Bahamas for a WEEK, including plenty of cash for shopping and dining.

Truth. The nonchalant putting $500 on a wrist band, and I’m working 50 hours a week with a master’s degree and sometimes wonder how we’re getting groceries.

Whenever I read stories like this in the world, I wonder how on earth people my age or younger can just go and willy nilly drop $2000 on something like this. Our household income is twice the median and anything over $200 is a ‘is this ok? Can we do this?’ type of purchase. I always wonder what these people do for a

Like, I hope this is a transcript of a, like, literal conversation and this idiot didn’t type up, like, a description of her experience using these words.

I wouldn’t say that they deserved it. Just because she has money to burn on festivals doesn’t mean she deserves to be scammed. But yes, certainly, a fool and her money are easily parted.

I feel like a Kardashian / Jenner promotion and no other real details is huge red flag #1.

We would have also accepted; “like, because it’s pretty fucking easy.”

I find this hysterical.

I saw the ad. If it was me? I would have left the anti trans bigot at the bar by himself. I am not sitting down and smiling with a guy that thinks I shouldn’t exist. I don’t have to pander to some bigots feelings either.

YES that false equivalent shit. Drove me bananas after the election -- maybe we need to sit and listen to trump supporters, find out what they’re feeling and what they’re really angry about. BITCHES VOTED FOR A RACIST I THINK I KNOW WHAT THEY’RE FEELING JUST FINE.

If the world was fair, he would be followed for the rest of his days by people saying his kids weren’t real and were false flags.

Drake wasn’t shading anyone. E!’s just desperate for fake content as usual. He and Draymond have been messing with each other:

I wouldn’t want to be stuck in an airport with a bunch of pissed off lifestyle bloggers, that’s for damn sure.

“I didn’t want to have tears in my eyes because people would swear I was crying because of the new president.”

It’s hard to gin up too much sympathy for the people who buy this stuff. There is plentiful, freely available information showing that Gwyneth and her ilk are completely full of shit. If you’re still falling for it, that’s on you. It’s like joining Scientology and being shocked that it’s a scam.

Jesus Christ. Postnatal depletion? Yeah, every f-ing day as a single parent of a 6 year old. The only thing that seems to help with it is either beer or mirobrews. Fuck Goop. Seriously.

For restaurants, yes. But the Michelin Pussy Guide actually goes up to 8 stars. But most only get 3 at most, so 5 is really good. Their only 8 Star pussy ever was this woman in rural Japan who lived in this shack that only locals (and REALLY cool tourists) knew about. Sadly, it closed in 1998.

Michelin tires and the Michelin restaurant guide are the same company.

Had the chance to talk to Jonatha about it a few years back. She loved working with Katy.