For Mosa My Life

The Mummy and The Mummy II are perfect movies. I watched The Mummy III only because all people of Chinese descent are obligated to watch any movie with any ties to Chinese culture, no matter how slim, but the franchise definitely lost half its charm when it lost Rachel Weisz. Now Universal is rebooting The Mummy, and

I agree. My dad will refuse to drive after having any alcohol, just because you never know what might happen on the road or an impromptu breathalyzer check.


Colin Jost is basically Budget Seth Meyers.

Even slender people can feel bad about their bodies; especially when you’re a woman and held to an impossible standard, and instead of being told how great you look, you’re only reminded about how you haven’t met that impossible standard.

Jafar got all rape-y on Jasmine, how was he gay?

Maybe because I’m not using Chrome? I’m using Microsoft Edge (kinja doesn’t work on my office computer’s version of Chrome, firewall maybe). But whoever designed that awful poll clearly did not test it in different browsers before releasing it.

Every question is numbered 1. That’s not how numbering works.

I think “The Hillary” shoes are adorable, and I totally want a pair.

Also, Belle was never a prisoner. She chooses to stay, and she is able to leave whenever she wants. When the Beast lets her go, he releases her from a promise, not as a prisoner. I think this is a pretty important distinction to remember when bringing up Stockholm Syndrome too.

OMG this is effing amazing, you can see the effort in 45's arm and elbow as he’s trying to pull Trudeau in, and Justin’s just relaxed, all “Nah, man”.

Liked, not because I support importing cheaper and “better quality” children, but because this is a real and heart-rending phenomenon.

Hillary was wise not to attend, otherwise the current administration would have accused her of being a sore loser.

I’m sad that David Bowie could not take part in this runway.

Totally irrelevant, but the news anchor’s voice was very soothing.

I’m with you on the fear that creating safe spaces for women may reinforce the fallacy that men can’t help themselves. Even though we know this isn’t true of all men and that the sexual harassers consciously make a choice, they hide behind this fallacy and hurt other men as a result. Also, you just know it’s only a

I’m glad I’m not the only one who’s outraged Goo Goo Dolls was mentioned in the same sentence.

Reminds me of the book Journey to Topaz.

I’m more cynical, and I think Jill Stein wants a recount hoping there were more votes for her so she will reach the 5% of votes needed to get more funding.

Love (as in amused and disgusted at the same time) that Donald is only worried about never seeing Ivanka, but is alright about not seeing his other children.