Please please me

Yep- I’m using the same machine as my main. It’s permanently parked under my desk and always plugged in, so the battery issue isn’t a problem. It works fine for everything I use it for, including some music production and CAD work. And I have a 17" iMac dome, an old Mini, and a mid-00's MacBook. They all still work

I’d be happy with regular Terry Crews at this point.

Far more plausible than an actual physical craft is a means to project an “image” consisting of light and radio signals focused to a specific location and moved around at will. As a way to confuse and distract an enemy, such a system could be an effective deterrent. Holography began in the 50's as a means to image the

A ‘prayer’ is just a wish wrapped in an ideology.

If that story about his name is true, he never shared it with us. At the time (about 20 years ago) he was dating Cynthia Rylant, another pretty well-known children’s author. They lived about three blocks from each other in the southeast hills in Eugene, Oregon. We knew Cyndi because her son and mine were close

We used to take care of Dav’s dog when he was away. He’s as quirky as his cartoons- quirkier, actually. 

Wait. Does this mean I can stop wearing my quantum-infused protective crystal pendant if I use one of these?

Wait. Does this mean I can stop wearing my quantum-infused protective crystal pendant if I use one of these?

If so, then we should also accept the fact that well over a million Americans will die.

Giving trump a pass: typical shit-nibbler.

70% of us need to be infected for herd immunity to kick in. That’s roughly 220,000,000 of us. Consider that this virus has, at minimum, a 1% rate of mortality. One percent of 220 million is . . . 2.2 million. That’s an unfathomable number of deaths no matter how good your imagination is. 

They gave us kids ID bracelets back in the early 60's. At the time, we thought it was just a cool trinket. Later, we learned it was to make it easier to identify our nuked bodies. Maybe we should start handing out “Let me die first!” bracelets to these idiots.

IKR? Money!!!! You’re in that GOP cadre, aren’t ya?

According to doctors on the front-lines, it is a horrible death: slow-motion drowning and very painful. Those experiencing cardiac arrest are the lucky ones because while painful, it’s relatively quick.

Cancer surgeries are already being deferred.

Well, you’ve got 17 idiots agreeing with you, which is kind of terrifying all by itself. Then there’s your disingenuous “argument” regarding his characterisation of this pandemic as a hoax. You know damn well his intent was to frame this as a politically motivated hit job against him. Don’t you have some doorknob

Doing that will most certainly put the kibosh on any economic recovery, so no, you aren’t right.

It won’t be just the blue states for much longer. Considering how poorly the red states are managing the few methods we have to curtail the spread, they will be suffering mightily in a few weeks. For some, like Wyoming, with a low population density- built in social distancing of a sort - it will take longer, but

And you can damn well bet that if he succumbs to the virus, they’ll go absolutely ballistic and blame the “deep state” for murdering him with a state-developed bio weapon.

They will still blame everyone/everything except him for it. 

She looks like evil incarnate! Like the seemingly-nice aunt who actually has to eat the flesh of newborn humans in order to survive.