Please please me

If he would just say, “Everything I say is a lie.”, it would set up a liar’s paradox and all of his followers would get brain-locked and fall over twitching and jerking like short-circuited androids.

Seems like these would also work to alleviate the effects of SAD.

Seems like these would also work to alleviate the effects of SAD.

And talk about bang for your buck! They made that movie on a budget of $7000 and a crew of five people. Primer was better than many films costing 1000x as much.

Yes, you would have to literally “rewind” the universe. I wrote a short story many years ago about a scientist who invented a time machine only to get caught in an endless loop of turning the machine on only to have it immediately turn off. But the inertia of her hand was also “rewound” so it turned the machine back

Considering that light travels one foot per nanosecond, your hands precede your head into the future by at least a couple nanoseconds. And your feet are a good 4-6 nanoseconds ahead of your head. Don’t trip!

All of his mass and that of his spaceship would have to be converted to energy to travel at lightspeed, so there would be nothing left of him or his telescope to do the looking.

But the thing is, you have to rearrange the entire universe to make room for whatever it is you’re sending back (or forward). Spacetime is seriously rigid- something like 1x10^35 times stiffer than steel. You can’t just drop something into a new spacetime coordinate from another one without making room for it.

What’s trump looking at in that pic? 

Oops, sold out! Guess I’ll just have to keep my retirement fund for ... retirement. >sigh<

No tears for you, but I am chuckling quietly at your pretense of eloquence.

Stay perfect, jerk.

He looks like a jar of cheap mayonnaise that’s been left out for a couple days.

Now playing

Just don’t lock up anything valuable with them. This video is from The Lockpicking Lawyer and though not the same lock, the technique is the same. 

Just don’t lock up anything valuable with them. This video is from The Lockpicking Lawyer and though not the same

I had always assumed they were keying tones. Never knew what they were called or the specifics of the frequencies and duration though. 

Thanks for that link!

I’m a 66 year old female who has drank milk all her life (and still does). I’ve never had a broken bone even though there were several times when I should have (most recently falling off my bike when I hit a slick spot on the road- the bike was ruined but all I got was some scrapes and a wrist sprain). My bone density

Happily, I find myself in the minority- again!

I don’t recall ever sucking on cow tits. Oh, I get it. Heh. 

IKR? Milk should not be blue (unless you want to color it yourself).