
NewEgg has, imho, lost a bit of accuracy in many of their reviews. When they were new and primarily experienced computer building hobbyists were involved, the reviews were mainly accurate and useful. Now, outshining this accuracy are the new generation of reviewers who brand themselves as an "expert," and all you

In the J. Michael Straczynski continuity (learly 2000s), Spider-Man (and a billionaire named Ezekiel who became a mentor of sorts to Peter) got his powers from some totemic spider god - mainly a variant of Anansi - and thus muddled the whole radiation/science origin which Stan Lee began with; the spider god allowed

ThinkGeek's Bag of Holding trumps any satchel I've seen so far. It's also cheaper and has the added bonus of repelling members of the opposite sex. Plus, any bag that attaches accessories with snaps on the outside is going to be surprised after a walk through a crowded city street how many things aren't attached

You mean Roddenberry thought Berle could do comedy the way he thought Hollywood attorney Melvin Belli could act?

Some may see this as just another example of Hollyweird raping good literature. I however, choose to stay on the side of the cynic, in that not only have they gone beyond that, it's gotten to the point of pissing on the still warm corpse of good literature. I forecast within 2-3 years, we'll see Tyler Perry presenting

The simple fact is that no matter what his powers are based on, all his friends and loved ones would have died a dozen times over. Whether he broke most of some hapless guy's bones after catching him in a 20-story fall or Lois having her face burned off from friction during a supersonic flight, humans, superheroes

In other news, no cure for cancer...

As someone who has suffered with allergies in the Midwest for 32 years, I would also add the following:

It even gives you the feel of an extra-large codpiece as well.

I thought the author's earlier piece on why water is wet was most informative. We've finally deduced the secret identity of Captain Obvious.

As someone who has dealt with an 8-year ongoing fraud situation, I can add the following suggestions:

There was a comic released several years ago where Maul was an augmented cyborg (from the waist down) who hunted down the exiled Obi-Wan on Tatooine to get revenge. There was also another comic where Luke had to battle with Maul's Force ghost.

His take on Snow White is even better.

No mention of Jerry Coyne's "Why Evolution is True"? Epic fail. Any top book on evolution must also address the derp being generated by the intelligent design/creationist crowd, and what we've seen in both the scientific literature and the courts to lend credence to evolution.

@WookieLifeDay: Science (if it is practiced successfully) does not claim to want to solve any existential crises of humanity. Science asks "how" and not always "why," unless it points to a derivative of function or precursor elements. Science focuses on naturalistic and epistemic methods of analysis, not

@WookieLifeDay: Sam Harris has his own issues, in my opinion, one of which is the constant theme of anti-Islamic rhetoric in his work. I find a lot of his insights on neurobiology intriguing, when he tries to ascribe biological underpinnings to our need for belief, but his debates on religion are so thoroughly

@Pope John Peeps II: Well, where I went to school, when you double quote something you're attributing it to a source, which in this case are the videos in question. Next time put in a little smiley face or some italicized indication, otherwise you will get people seeing your quotes as a way to divert the argument.

So we all turn into Guild Steersmen?

@Pope John Peeps II: Where exactly did it call religious people "retards?" Seems like a straw man argument to me.