
It's odd that the fan-made trailer from a year ago with Nathan Fillion looks as good if not better than this one.

Does this twit even know how to speak in complete sentences? It sounds like he's trying to be funny, slipping in references to Stones lyrics but he comes off as someone who is sitting next to Keith smoking something unusual and ranting about nothing in particular. He's just butthurt that his 'book' wasn't #1 with a

The magic of the original "Who Goes There?" story was that no one had any idea who the alien was. It was masquerading as one or all of them. Some of the later fictional spinoffs gave the impression that someone could be an alien and still retain a portion of the victim's memories.

Sorry, but a Star Trek themed pizza cutter should be a rocker knife shaped like a Klingon bat'leth. Epic fail.

You can get anything you want at Alice's online mart

The only absolute I found in a workplace is that executives are the main cause for removal of perks because of abuse. The managers come up with a fancy idea, they end up running it into the ground, and the subordinates suffer for it.

On December 18th, 18 days after our company xmas party where we all got together, sang horrible carols and listened to customer testimonials about how everything was hunky dory, the VP flew in and in his best voice told everyone that the plant would close on February 12th. But, and he got very choked up as he said

There is the obvious limitation that you may work someplace that doesn't allow Firefox to be installed nor does it allow flashdrives. The secondary issue is installed monitoring software you can't really disable, that will still see your web traffic regardless of what you do. Your boss may not see you on YouTube but

I found this tool nice; it had the built-in timer function that Display Fusion didn't have without buying it. I am able to set up folders for the pictures, and it works without hogging too much memory. Since the days of Win 3.11, I have had issues finding any wallpaper image randomizer that worked with all the