
Please the moment this disappeared I lost faith in bundled Windows games.

You know when I left the theater this week a woman behind me commented that she liked the movie and was glad MRA’s were mad otherwise she wouldn’t have seen it. Honestly though there really is nothing in this movie that is pro-women or anti-women and you could easily argue the case on either side, heck you can argue

As an engineer, I loved the episode where, after telling Janeway that the repairs would take “24 hours” and Janeway responding with the tired old trope “you’ve got 12,” B’Elanna comes back with, “No, 24. That’s how long it will take. I don’t pad estimates.” And Janeway backs down.

That he ad-libbed the line about him being left with nothing but his bones shows just how incredible he is for that role.

James Wesley, Daredevil. Best eyebrow game and smarm in the MCU.

The new Star Trek only. Come one, Dr. McCoy was crucial to Spock and Kirk. They made up a very necessary trio. He’s too much of a side character in the new movies despite being played pretty well by Karl Urban.