>My response to the extended warranty push would be “but Toyotas are supposed to be so reliable, I guess I shouldn’t buy one after all”.
>My response to the extended warranty push would be “but Toyotas are supposed to be so reliable, I guess I shouldn’t buy one after all”.
It says in the linked article that he gets to keep the current car until the new one arrives.
>Picking up food that I had to drive to get to? Not anymore.
> And we need to be getting away from that model, not deploying it in other spaces where people are paid a full wage.
Any word on who’s directing? I have to admit it’s a bit concerning that we have a new lead actor and the director still hasn’t been announced. The Russo bros had such a big impact on the MCU that it’s going to feel like a completely different franchise with both them and Evans no longer involved.
She definitely looks older but the guys have aged much more noticeably. Probably because they’re basically normal people while she’s an A-list actress who likely dedicates a lot of time, effort, and resources, into looking as young as possible for as long as possible.
I wonder if calorie count shenanigans have anything to do with this - ie., you can now count a single donut as multiple servings disguising the fact that it’s a billion calories.
I don’t see how anyone could read that statement in context and get offended but twitter outrage never ceases to amaze me.
Isn’t Starbucks entire business model - and the thing that made them the biggest coffee chain on the planet - that they encourage and enable you to concoct whatever monstrosity you want? This is like working at Krispy Kreme and complaining that it smells like doughnuts.
This is why franchises usually cast people well into their 20's to play teenagers in the first place - they don’t obviously age during production. Look at Fear Street who cast a 28 y/o as the lead for a part playing a 16 y/o high school student.
Reading these comments makes me realize that so many people have never experienced a strong sellers market. They have a single car and hundreds of people all want to buy it. If you’re one of the potential buyers - guess what? - - you have zero leverage.
Yeah whenever people wish they could use the “tesla model” elsewhere I always tell them that option has always been available. Just walk into a dealership and say “Hello, I’d like to buy [car] and will pay sticker price. Who should I write the cheque to and when can I pick it up?”
Their response
Did you honestly think there was ever any chance that Aaron Rodgers or Katie Couric was going to sign on to be the long-term host?
This headline reads like something from the Onion. Jesus, 30 seasons of South Park...just typing that out is absurd.
>He genuinely loves all his characters and you can feel it.
I would say the 20's are much more formative for your musical (and really overall tastes) than your teens. I’d say my tastes keep changing as I get older and genres gradually shift - I can draw pretty clear lines between the kinds of music I enjoyed at different periods in my life. I don’t have any desire to listen to…
Starring a bunch of precocious teens.
It’s totally normal to state the nature of an athlete’s injury. For example, in the NBA you can’t list a player as missing a game due to injury without specifying what part of the body the injury relates to. It doesn’t have to be detailed but you would have to say “Kawhi Leonard - injury - knee” for example.
Prince was notoriously private and recorded albums upon albums worth of material that were only ever intended for his personal collection so yeah, I think it’s pretty easy to assume this was one of those and not some album he recorded and produced but then just forgot to release.