
Found the cop.

Did “progressivism” leave him or did corporate, fascist money find him?

This is so infuriating. Fuck that guy who decided whatever bullshit was on his phone was more important than driving. And fuck techbros for their Self Driving car bullshit. I hope the family of the motorcyclist sues the crap out of them.

This is gross, and you should feel bad for even attempting to justify this execution.

With all of that known information one would think these supposedly trained, professional LEOs could have come up with a better way to take this guy in other than trying to swarm his car in plain clothes and guns drawn.

Cops managed to take that Florida woman in without firing a shot, and she was actively shooting up cars on the highway!

None of that justifies 5 cops firing 96 times. The criminal penalty for everything you described is not summary execution. Cops aren’t supposed to be executioners.

Sit in the quiet for 41 seconds. Do nothing. Feel how long 41 seconds is.

You forgot “Don’t advertise at all”

Rape is rape. There is no good rape and bad rape. It is all bad. Rape is not a tool of reformation or an instrument of revenge. We are not Tate.


Turns out that everyone loves a free market right up until a bigger fish comes to eat more of the market.

US automakers have spent decades setting the stage for cheap imports by cutting back further and further on entry-level models. They could do a lot to undercut the threat of Chinese imports by putting out some cheap cars themselves. 

The officers had reason to believe Jackson owned/possessed a firearm with a suppressor.”

Maybe if somebody has such bad PTSD that they think acorns are gunshots and empty their firearm at the sound of an acorn, they shouldn’t be allowed access to firearms?

Sorry Jesse. That story didn’t sell on tape, and it ain’t going to get any extra credit here.

People dont give enough credit to Eyes On Me. It really ushered in a new era of Squaresoft/Enix using music vocals in their games.

VR porn aside (because... why?), this is the attitude that makes me not like Apple. They just fundamentally don’t think that the devices you buy are really yours. They still see them as extensions of their own marketing.

This is actually an issue for some movies too. A couple years back I saw a restored version of a Japanese film from the ‘70s and back then they really did not care about securing rights for the music they used (or possibly Japan did not sign the relevant international conventions related to copyrights yet?). When 50

So you admit to not having actually played the game then, sad for you. Because if you had then you’d know that right before any of these scenes there are good Obvious options to just remain friends with the companions.