Apex Assassin

5 years too late as usual McDennis.
Another stupid idea, terrible design, and this one isn’t even an F1 car or even remotely practical for any application other than a picture.

Fuck Texass. It’s even worse than Indy to showcase the USA and I’m glad this race is already gone and soon to be forgotten. Now carry on blaming Obama for your malfunctions and praising Jebus.

Lol there is supposed an all female rally but it won’t happen since there will be a Ralph Lauren sale so they’ll all race there, then fight over the one outfit that will fit them.

LOATHE the stupid incorporation of the regs that are killing F1! You’d think MotoGP would have been smart enough to see F1 fail and not have terrible engine rules. Worse still they aren’t equal for all.

utter bullshit.

since most of us aren’t scared, ignorant bitches like you.




Just don’t race with dickheads, especially in Java, lol (like there will be justice for this crime!)

Fuck all these pussies against street racing. You will never stop us.

Jebus wept.

So. Fucking. Lame.

Worst day on Black Flag ever. A new low for quasi journalism.

So. Fucking. Lame. Told my boy today not to worry, we’ll move when these shit boxes are mass produced.

You’ll pry my gated 6 speed over my dead body.
Hell I may even build an autonomous car killing autonomous truck. An autonomous car terminator.

Ha! Just occurred to me I could base it off the Toyota T-100, not for

You don’t read much do you? The same argument has been made by every single news outlet - not just the sporting ones - for days now.

This is purile garbage clickbait at it’s worst.

1000 hp of garbage only a child or ill-inforned, balding, and sexually dysfunctional adult could possible envy.

It’s Texass so fuck em. Probably did it to help pay that $15 million they owe to the clock kid.

Literally the WORST car review I’ve ever attempted to read. Should’ve saved this one for April 1st.

Nothing. That’s what VW has to do. Nothing.


John Candy! C’mon now.