Apex Assassin

no. that abortion should be destroyed and never seen or discussed by anyone again.

Force Awakens has way more plot holes, just pointing that out.

There is no spark in Transformers.

uhhhh Cyclonus wins that award.

Ultra Magnus sounds like a competitor in a World’s Strongest Man competition.

just 41 more weeks to go...

$5 for a Corona. We Todd Did.

thus proving nothing is sacred, not even the brilliance of The Real Ghostbusters, which for you bustas out there was the legit first cartoon based on the movie.

you can’t call anyone a dumbfuck if you use “runned” in a sentence.

But what will your boyfriend think?

just so everyone knows all the G1/G2 episodes are shown in order, repeatedly on Disney Family channel weekday mornings at 6am i think.

My 8 year old nephew is totally into it. Loves that Bumble Bee is a beetle and is entralled with Soundwave. Rightfully so!

Not very good?

so designed to fail then?


and stomp Littlefinger into a pizza.

No! Just No. Don’t even say his name. He needs to stay as far away from GoT as possible.

He’s easily the most one dimensional, overrated actor not named Tommy Lee or Harvey in the past 50 years.

it’s a show about zombies and dragons and that’s ridiculous?

it’s not the film makers but King himself that destroys his works when the come to screen. just look at his and kubrick’s Shining.

That would be sweet except Gunslinger movies are not film adaptations of any of the published books.

and i hope Nymeria bites her fat ginger face off.

necklace has nothing to do with it. peep Mel in the tub without it when Selyse (mrs. stannis) comes in for some girl chat.