Apex Assassin

Come on, dude, leave that bullshit back at the Honda forums.

So liking a certain type of car means I’m compensating? This coming from the guy with Bugatti in his username.

I love it for the Charger. I hate it for the ricers and the wrecking of the Charger. Nothing else looks quite as mean. The first film was when that car was coolest to me. The nicer paint, the bad ass American Racing CL-200 ‘Daisy’ wheels that gave it some 70s flavor, and the sound of it. Good LORD, the sound of that

I actually feel like I could make a case that one of the neater things it did was demonstrate that kids actually liked their stories more with actual stakes, considering that the film attained its cult status largely by sucker-punching kids who were used to a Saturday morning cartoon where nobody ever died, and the

It saddens me that pretty much from now on, when kids think of Transformers, they’re gonna think of that Bay crap. I still remember when I first heard of a live action Transformers movie coming out, I was so stoked. When I heard it was being directed by Bay, I was crushed. And since they keep making so much money,

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Saw this movie in the theaters when it came out, and it blew my 9 year old mind. Between this and Robotech, it was proof that cartoons could tell amazing stories.

Still the best ‘Transformers’ movie ever made - in fact I think it’s the only ‘Transformers’ movie ever made....

The “shit” has been in every home US video release, and it was in the theatrical version as well. It was only cut in the UK version.

His corpse was resurrected, and he sacrificed himself to save them all.

Pretty sure it wasn’t censored on the last DVD release.

Yeah, they brought him back in The Return of Optimus Prime, which I think was a two-part episode. I think the ratings of the TV show dropped after they killed off Optimus, and Rodimus was not nearly as popular, causing them to bring him back.

I keep telling myself I should try to watch them, but I saw the first Bayformers movie twice (because I’m a sucker), and haven’t watched the rest. I probably won’t, I have better things to do.

I wonder if Transformers: The Movie is one of the reasons why I don’t get upset or horrified at main characters dying in the stuff I enjoy? Joss Whedon or George RR Martin don’t have anything on 6 year old me seeing Prime get blasted.

Oh right, it’s the good one!

That was Spike. Ultra Magnus said “damn it.”

Oh shit! What are we going to do now?!

Not to mention the brutal deaths of Ironhide and Co right at the start of the film. Hasbro wanted a new line of Transformers, so us 80s children got a sharp lesson in capitalism.

I remember kids actively sobbing in the theater. And the swearing, the glorious glorious swearing.

Did anyone else see this as a kid in the theater back in the 80 and get totally blown away aka traumatized by the first 15 minutes? Cause that was me, and I loved it.

I was 11 when this movie came out and the death of Optimus is something you’d never see with that sort of gravity in a modern kids movie. it stuck with me in a way that no other movie ever has, except possibly The Black Hole, which my parents took me to when I was 4, thinking it was a little kids movie.