Bieber killed Fisker so that is one good thing he’s done for Murica.
Bieber killed Fisker so that is one good thing he’s done for Murica.
And Robert claims another victim!
Scorponok is nothing.
OMEGA SUPREME gets my vote every time. Tryp comes second. Scorp doesn’t even make the list.
nice troll. now excuse me as i continue to puke up the contents of my ample stomach.
2002 Wrangler?
An idiot and now homosexual too. Of course if you are offended by that, you are also a bigot.
Gripe 1: Not a car nor a movie but Darryl’s new bike on Walking Dead is NOT a fucking V-Twin, yet they insist on using craptastic V-Twin sound effects. Fucking asinine. Especially considering he’s often trying to be stealthy.
Fury Road monster truck defies physics so bad the movie was ruined for me. No wait. The script and “Mad Max” title did that.
Now that’s brilliant!
plus getting high as fuck from your own farts!
Will they fix the panel gaps and 100 other things that fail to pieces on this moving junk piles of shit?
NO ONE CARES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How could anyone see it and not note the fascism? I mean, I know people are stupid but c’mon... you are just trying to make an easy piece to submit. Even children are smart enough to see the satire.
Such a pussy.
Fuck LA. One more reason to avoid it like the plague.
Tires! Wider and stickier, preferably on lighter rims. Doubt there is one thing on this list that would do as much. Granted it’ll cost more, but for a single upgrade that isn’t a LS3 swap...
Finally something worth reading for that feminazi Stef.
Everything Indianapolis Pace Car.