
Because if there's one thing we women love, it's being smacked on the ass and licked by strangers.

well I guess stupid Jenny wasn't enough to cancel it. Bring in bigger guns.

I also think she'd be perfect for The View.

can network just cancel that stupid show?

The delicious irony of Sarah Palin saying that a television show "needs a punch of reality."

My jaw dropped at the bit about the salt shaker and stayed dropped for the rest of the article.

It's like dropping something and fumbling to catch it, only to accidentally bat it across the room... there must be a German word for this experience.

His mom was busy?

I think the moral here is that no good comes of sexting your cousin.

Her hunger for dog and cat food is matched only by her hunger for attention!

Probably not the place for this debate, but the UK is pulling itself out of recession quite nicely. Although we were hit hard by the banking crisis, unemployment is down to 6.6% which is really not that bad (by European standards).

Wait, what? The NHS is why there's long-term unemployment? Riiiiighhht.

North Carolina is interesting to watch because when RJR and Philip Morris start suddenly "retooling" their factories you know that nationwide legalization in coming

Yup. I live in Broomfield, and it's business as usual here.

Exactly, it'll be a great day when it's a casual as drinking a beer or having a mixed drink. I mean sure, 15 year old kids will still get it and be all giddy and everything about it but that's essentially the same with alcohol and tobacco

The insanity and raping and murder is due to start any second . . .

Bantzy-boo is just a bored teenager.

People who don't smoke pot are the worst. For whatever reason they actually think it is significant. It really isn't; your not smoking pot is about as interesting as your not drinking alcohol. Who cares? Get over yourself.

If only they legalized marijuana in North Carolina. All that infrastructure from tobacco would leave them ideally placed as a supply state.

This is obviously a tragedy of the highest degree.