My celebrity crush is similarly Kat Dennings, although 2 Broke Girls is gradually curing me of that :(
lol ok tough guy.
I crush with alarming intensity on Joey Ramone. He is dead, so my husband thinks this is hysterical. He pretends he doesn't have a crush on Katy Perry, but he totally does, which is also hysterical.
I felt like they were hoping to pull off confused grandma, and overshot right into angry drunk aunt.
Thelma and Louise, The Menopause Years….
Not just doubled down on the assault, but kind of tried to see if maybe SOME of the items were up for grabs. Like maybe the chairs? How about this ball? Is there anything they can cart back to the Kia so the day isn't a total wash?
Well I hope they're embarrassed as fuck that this is getting so many views on YouTube. In my head one of their grandchildren will walk over to them and go "Look grandma! I found you on the internet!" Instant mortification.
Have we confirmed that these two are not related to the rhubarb stealing lady?
If EVERYTHING Obama has done since Jan 2009 draws your ire and/or criticism then yes you are a racist.
You sound like you have no idea about the kind of implications that this word holds. The "it's just a word" argument is just so, so tired.
This argument would be helped if leading white conservatives weren't using dog-whistle politics to invoke race in many of their critiques. I'm thinking here of GOP Candidate for President Mitt Romney's speech at the NAACP, for example, or Gingrich's use of the phrase "food stamp president."
I've honestly never seen…
If you hate Obama indiscriminately or because he's too "fancy" or "uppity" or because of policies that you actually supported when white republicans introduced them (looking at you, "Obamacare"), yeah, it probably is because of race.
"If the slur would not plausibly and accurately be used against you, then you really have no business whatsoever dictating it's appropriate usage (if there is any)."
Except that song is such bullshit, AND it faced controversy at the time and today for not only it's title, but also for comparing the struggle of mainstream feminism to black civil rights and for constructing a narrative that alienated black women from the conversation. At the very least this is using the word in a…
I feel as though this was less "ironic" and more.... "really fucking stupid".
Maybe we should start handing out a flow chart: Should I Use the N-Word -> Are You Black? -> No -> Then NO. -> B-but... -> I SAID NO.